American Missal pages

These pages are from the American Missal, one of the unofficial Anglican missals once used by Anglo-Catholics (Catholic Anglicans) in parts of the Episcopal Church and still used by some Continuing priests.

It splices the American 1928 Book of Common Prayer Communion service into the framework of the traditional Roman Catholic Mass, translated into Tudor English ("thou" etc.) to match the traditional BCP.

The Mass is the offering of Christ's one sacrifice to God the Father for the living and the dead.

American Missal (Anglo-Catholic Anglican/Episcopal): Prayers at the Foot of the Altar with Psalm 43

American Missal (Anglo-Catholic Anglican/Episcopal): Prayers at the Foot of the Altar with Confiteor; Collect for Purity

Book of Common Prayer Eucharistic Canon with Words of Institution/Consecration

Book of Common Prayer Eucharistic Canon, continued

American Missal (Anglo-Catholic Anglican/Episcopal): End of Book of Common Prayer Eucharistic Canon; Minor Elevation with Gregorian-chant notation in neumes

American Missal (Anglo-Catholic Anglican/Episcopal): Agnus Dei and Prayer of Humble Access

American Missal (Anglo-Catholic Anglican/Episcopal): Priest's Communion

American Missal (Anglo-Catholic Anglican/Episcopal): Communion and Thanksgiving


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