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The Beginning. . .

Hyzenthlay didn't have a hard life at all. She lived with a pack known as the Forest Valley Wolves, with her brother Hawkbit. They had been orphaned as young pups, but it didn't bother Hyzenthlay much. Their life was easy, for the pack supported them with everything. They also learned to hunt.

Even though they had been with the Forest Valley Wolves all of their lives, they sought something else. So the twins picked up all they had [themselves] and embarked on a journey across the lands. They avoided other single wolves, and hunted on the edges of pack territories.

About this same time, Ravenwing and her son, Shétán, were also searching for something. They had found it, long before Hyzenthlay and her brother had. Ravenwing and Shétán lived apon the DarkLands now, and had named them the Skeksis Lands after Ravenwing's dead mate.

Then, Ravenwing was killed by a Mountain Lion. Although the Mountain Lion was in turn slaughtered by Shétán, he was alone. That was when Hyzenthlay and Hawkbit stumbled apon the territory. Of course, they smelled the presence of only one wolf, and felt they found home at last.

When Hyzenthlay and Shétán first met, there was something between them. Hawkbit didn't like it, and grew jealous. He begged Hyzenthlay to leave with him, but she stayed. He couldn't stand that the only wolf he had left was happy with someone else. So he decided to fight Shétán, but lost.

Hyzenthlay and Shétán mated, and had 4 beautiful pups. Though as fate had it, one died shortly after. Their pups were Speedwell, Hawkbit, and Blackavar. Every stray wolf that came, Hyzenthlay welcomed with open arms. She was the social one, and helped the Skeksis grow. Everyone loved Hyzenthlay, for she was gentle and Shétán was strong.

Together, they made the Skeksis grow. The Skeksis became the 'best' [in their eyes] pack in all the lands. Even against the Serindipity, their close alies, Hyzenthlay knew in her heart the Skeksis were better. When she died, there was much grieving. . . but even today, in the Afterworld, she welcomes those who were in the Skeksis with welcome arms.

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