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Kren Kestrel Demgreane Shétán

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Her History

Kren was one of six pups born to Kinia "Ambrosia" Demgreane and Bryan Demgreane. She was born during the Golden Deer times, when starvation was always lurking about, ready to snatch a weak, old, or young wolf. She huddled with her siblings, Emperian, Shaina, Nyana, Darien and Kinia, the runt of the litter. Her mother was the alpha of the great Skeksis Pack. Little Kren also had two big sisters: Lenka and Rakshasha.

Time came when the Golden Deer was slayed by Raksha, and prey could be caught again. The pups grew strong under the care of their mother, playing happily. It was good times. Then, a dark wolf took everything away. The \\x//arriors struck. Before her pups, Kinia "Ambrosia" Shetan was slayed. Kren wasn't there though. Seer blood ran through her veins. And she started seeing visions.

She saw her dead mother in a dream. Then Amethyst, a kind \\x//arriors, took the pup to Faery Lake. There, the she-wolf helped Kren discover her powers. Kren discovered that she could see things...Things that happened before she was born. Thing that were happening when she wasn't around. She was her mother under Calhoun's claws.

The \\x//arriors reigned on until Lenka led the Skeksis is raids, destroying all of the \\x//arriors Pack. Only Calhoun was left. The other members of the Skeksis took their turn, slashing the toppled wolf, sinking their jaws into him and cuffing him. Kren hung back, troubled by a headache. Before her eyes, her paws grew. She became larger. Her scar, deeper. And to the side of her muzzle, the Scar of the Ambrosia plant blossomed. The scar of her mother. Her crimson-flecked emerald jewels flickered red. She was Kinia.

Snarling viciously, the "pup" approached the cowering Calhoun. His life soon ended. And Kren once more became small, and emerald-eyed. Since then, her powers have developed with the help of an old Seer, Dinami. Kren Impressed her own firelizard, a navy blue named Saffire. Unfortunatly, Rakshasha and her brother, Darien deceased.

Life became peaceful once more. Although this would not last. A blizzard blew through. And the Mountain Lions were restless. On a snowy day, the pup was pupnapped, along with her sister, Nyana, and Coy, a pup of a Skeksis member, Thunder. The time grew near when the Golden Deer would return. Only the Golden Deer wasn't so Golden anymore. Only time can tell what will happen...

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