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Tanner's Awards

Tanner's Awards Page

Look at mine and Mommy's awards!

This award is from Joeann.
Please click on the award to meet her three angels.

Mommy's friend Nancy gave us this award,
click on it to meet Grace Isabella.

Christopher's mommy, Maria gave us this award!
Click on it to meet Christopher

This award came from Mrs. Debbie
She has an angel too,
click on it to meet Josh

We got this award from Sherrie
she has two angels
click on it to meet Rose and baby Dru

Hi...My name is Kathy...I am meeting you through Lorraine and Poppa Zoppa. I cannot express my sadness for your family. It doesn't matter that it is now me, he is your precious new baby. I was downloading some clip art the other day..birthday, holiday and little personal things ..and there stood this magnificent elephant. I thought " I have no reason to download him, no one I know collects or has mentioned elephants" but my hand went click. Now I know why. Now, to me, he looks like a golden guardian angel. I want to pass him along to you, hoping you don't already have him in your files. It is just a little tribute to your son.