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Teen Pregnancy

Hi, My name is Laura Laboranti. I am from Scranton, PA and I am now 20 years old. I am the proud mother of two beautiful children.

What do most teenagers think when people talk about TEEN PREGNANCY? They think baby? How cute they are, how tiny they are, loveable, huggable, and sweet. Yes, that's all true, but you don't know the other side...You only know what you see.

Do you see your friend when she is up all night long with that same baby that's screaming and crying, because he is colicky? Do you know the terror a young mother feels when her child has trouble breathing, gasping for air, trying to get him to a doctor only to hear him say, "oh he's fine!" But you, the mother, even tho you're exhausted, you're afraid to fall asleep, because you fear that something can happen to your baby?

These are things that teenagers should NOT have to worry about. Your teenage years should consist of having fun, hanging out with your friends, maybe a part-time job to get those few extras teenagers always seem to want. Your biggest worry should be what to wear on a date, not if your diaper and formula supply will last you until your next welfare check...Not if your baby is going to be safe while you're to trying to finish school.

Basically, your life should be beginning to take shape and mold for the future. Yes you can still attain this with a baby, but the struggle is enormous...It goes much slower and is so much harder even if you are lucky enough to have someone help you along the way.

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Life ~ What a
Beautiful Choice!


Adopted:  February 24,2000

Stop Abortion ~ Not A Beating Heart!

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