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"Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others
cannot keep it from themselves."~~

...Sir James Barrie.

~~Smell the Roses~~

On a small screen most of us have come to know you;
Never did we realize what you would teach us to do.

As we would work and get each problem solved,
It was during these sessions that our friendships evolved.

Whenever we have been in need of any information,
You would always search the ends of the world for the right solution.

We can always call on you for guidance when in need
And want you to always know that we appreciate it as you try to lead.

And we know, that there are times that we have pushed your "Patience Button,"
But with your help we always seem to come through in the long run.

So, we feel honored that you have allowed us to enter "Your World"
Because we all know that Emmi is your favorite girl.

And we surely cannot exclude your precious puppies - Nickle and Penny from our little story.
For they have given you such added enjoyment as anyone can see.

NOW, it is your turn to LISTEN, my friend
Because we will always appreciate what you have done for us until the end.

And your motto:

<><><>      Tell me and I'll forget       <><><>
<><><>    Show me and I'll remember    <><><>
<><><>      Involve me and I'll learn      <><><>

goes without saying.
It should be the backbone for all types of learning.

And finally, what poem to you would be complete without the closing you use in all of our e-mails and "classes,"

"Remember to find time to stop and

Written by Rene'
February 14, 2000
(All Rights Reserved)


Valentine's Day Messages - 1
Valentine's Day Messages - 2
Valentine's Day Messages - 3
Valentine's Day Messages - 4
Valentine's Day Messages - 5

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