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Be with God Poppa~~
I wait for you to come to me...
I wait and I grieve.


A brighter star now lights my sky
Yet dark clouds steal my sun
You slipped away as evening fell
Your work on earth was done.

How blessed was I to be there
To hold you 'till the end
We shared your final chapter
My teacher~~My best friend.

I'm left with all my memories
My cherished thoughts of you
Each lesson that you gave me
Will last my whole life through....

You showed such courage Poppa
A dignity~~ so rare
We spoke with eyes and touches
When no one else was there.

I'll see you in that brightest star
Then when the sun appears
I'll celebrate your life and love
Not dwell upon my tears.

The circle stays unbroken
like the ring that has no end
Rest well Beloved Poppa
~~Until we meet again.~~

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