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"Happy Memories are Precious Treasures~~"

With Love from Patsyjoe

Would you be my Valentine?
The answer is very simple.

Remember when I was little?
I looked up at Daddy,
And smiled with great big dimples.~~

As I grew up, I always thought,
My Daddy is such a hero.
Going off to fight the war,
And sending me his picture.
So handsome he was, brave and tall.
Although you were not there to hug,
I loved you through it all.

Now, I have your grandsons,
Tall, good-looking and tough.
So much like their Opa,
Brave and strong and gruff.

But I must say, I often feel,
When I look at my own two sons,
That they must be exactly like
Daddy when he was young.
And so I understand you,
And all the reasons why.

In my heart, IŽll always love you,
My Daddy,
and remember the twinkle in your eye.

And so I ask again,
Would you be my Valentine?

The answer is very simple.
You always have and always will be,
My Favorite Valentine.

Love, Patsyjoe


Specially For You, Capt Jim

On Valentine's Day
Valentines Day Messages - 1
Valentines Day Messages - 2
Valentines Day Messages - 3
Valentines Day Messages - 5

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