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"I only hope, and pray, that I am half the
Father and Dad that you didn't have to be.
Thank you for being a very large part of my life.~~"
~~Jerry Lee.

Valentine's Greeting
from Jerry Lee

You came into my life when I was a small boy,~~ married a woman already with two children. Not long after that you asked me to either call you "Jim" or "Dad." I quickly chose "DAD." I can't remember how I addressed you prior to that ~~ maybe "Hey you.!"
You assumed the title of FATHER. Many would stay away from an already made family, but you didn't. You became the father you did not have to be. You taught me a lot through my life. I remember as a young teen, dating, you said, "You make your bed, you have to lay in it."
I have remembered that and have passed the same wisdom onto my sons. Another was "Don't start a pissing contest with a skunk." You taught me to stand up for what was right and at the same time to back off when I couldn't win. You taught me right from wrong, how to be the best regardless of circumstances, how to be proud of what and who I am.
You were a remarkable example of what a man should be, caring and loving, but firm and fair. I remember the strict rules while growing up, the chores and the consequences when they weren't done right or at all. I remember the discipline~~ Yes Sir!.. No Sir!.. You taught me to have respect, not just for those older or in authority, but for all people.
But I also know you as DAD. You see the discipline and teaching comes from a loving father, but the fun and special moments shared come from a DAD. I remember a point in time that you didn't want me to have that motor cycle, but you went riding with me anyway, and as it happened, I wrecked it. I never heard "I told you so," rather... "Are you okay?" We went home and repaired that bike ... Together!! That is the DAD in you, with an unconditional love. I have never felt like a step-son, I have always felt your love like I was your own.
I am now a grown man, proud of who and what I am. I treat others as I would like to be treated. I cherish life itself and try to enjoy it to the fullest. I am appreciative of all that life has to offer. I have tried to raise my sons like I was. I only hope, and pray, that I am half the Father and Dad that you didn't have to be. Thank you for being a very large part of my life.

Jerry Lee

This is my world~~~

With Lots of Love
From Us~~

Please wait till the song loads~~

Enjoy your day, Dad~~
Excerpt of the song..


"And then all of a sudden
Oh, it seemed so strange to me
How we went from something's missing
To a family
Lookin' back all I can say
About all the things he did for me
Is I hope I'm at least half the dad
That he didn't have to be"~~~

We Love you~~
Your Special Friends and Family

Specially For You, Capt Jim

On Valentine's Day
Valentines Day Messages - 1
Valentines Day Messages - 2
Valentines Day Messages - 3
Valentines Day Messages - 4

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