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Is PAN hereditary? Why is my SED Rate so important? How do I know if I'm in a remission? As a patient or caregiver you probably have many questions about the disease? You need answers explained in layman terms from a reliable source.

Dr. Eric Hoy and Dr. Karen Himmel are the medical consultants for the PRSN. We also have many other contacts in the vasculitis community who can help you.

Before you write please keep a few a things in mind:

Dr. Eric Hoy is an immunologist. He can answer general questions about autoimmunity and vasculitis. He is not a physician.

Dr. Karen Himmel is an internist with vasculitis. She can answer questions about medical procedures, the doctor/patient relationship, etc.

  1. Our medical contacts cannot give you directives concerning your care. They will only outline some options or facts that you need to know. Any changes to your care need to be done between you and your primary doctor.
  2. If you are experiencing a medical emergency get immediate attention. Do not postpone medical care while you wait for a response from the PRSN medical consultants. Although they do answer all inquiries keep in mind there may be a delay due to their schedules.

Copyright The Polyarteritis Research and Support Network 2009
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