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Hiya! These pages are dedicated to my cats (past and present). I never thought of myself as a cat lover as a child. But with a g'mom at home, mom working, and myself in school a dog was too much for us. One day I came home from visiting a friend to find a tiny black kitty in my room. My mother was approached by a family friend who was in search of homes for 4 kitties. Since my mom said I couldn't have a dog she said she would try out the one kitty. Since then we have adopted several other cats. Mittens was my first cat and Cello is our last. It was Mitten's love for us that made my family become cat lovers.

I have a Meowssage Board for those who would like to share their cat stories. I am sure you have plenty of them like myself. If you have cat site please add it to the Cat links Page.

Don't forget to leave your paw print in my guestbook.

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Gus Gus


Connor & Princess

Princess' Story





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Cat Humor

Meowssage Board

*Import Cat Info*

Sprites please use the guestbook on my spirit page for dustings!

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Please don't use my guestbook to invite me to join any organizations.
This esp goes for other website competitions.
If I choose to leave the FF, I know where to find other competitions.
If you do sign my guestbook to join your competition,
then you don't respect the FF for their rules nor my request.
To invite me to join email groups or webrings please use the email link.

If you want to VE please visit my Spirit Site for information.

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Click the Banner above to visit my Spirit Site.

*There is a special guestbook on my spirit site for dustings!*

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