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Philly Review 1/30/2001

Most of the concert is still a blur to me. Everything was so fast and it was the first time I saw this tour, so you'll have to bear with me since I probably won't be as detailed as my last review. I can tell you this though, the show is packed with energy and constant movement. There is someone on the stage at all times.
I had a side view-I saw the back of their heads for the most part-but the ramp came up about six rows away from me. All the guys came up to touch someone's hand except for Brian, I guess it's the height thing.
The show starts off with the dancers walking out in these costumes that completely cover them. They walk over to the ramps (about 5 on each side) and one runs in the middle of the stage and flips. Shortly after, "meteors" are shot from everywhere on the stage and all the dancers fall down like they've been hit. Smoke comes out from underneath the stage and the guys are lifted out from trap doors on these circular type things (can't think of a way to explain it). Brian goes up the highest and the rest of the guys tier down from there. Then all the guys are brought level to the ground, the lights go up and the show begins. They start out with just music in the background while they are performing sharp movements…think military. All the guys are in leather, black or blue shirts, and black over coats with blue interior. I noticed Nick wearing sunglasses and AJ with a bandana. They start out with "Everyone"…very energy packed and follow up with "Larger Than Life". This was different from the Millennium tour because they did the version from the video they had on MTV…dance sequence and all.
"Shining Star" is next. During this song Kevin leaves the stage while all the other guys dance and perform. A phone comes from beneath the stage during Nick's line, "Doesn't matter if the phone might ring." It's kinda corny…but funny at the same time. Oh…you know that part in the song.. "You know that I adore you. Wanna be there everyday for you…" when they over lay the chorus on top of that...well Nick and Howie are on one side of the stage clapping to the beat while Brian and AJ are on the other swaying side to side.
The lights dim and Kevin comes out all in white while everyone else is down below changing. Kevin did go all the way up on both ramps and extend a hand, then went back down to the middle where everyone else came up through the trap doors sitting on chairs to sing "What Makes You Different." After that song, each guy grabs a cane…the stick is glittery and the top is a clear ball. This was for the song "Yes I Will." They dance around with the canes for a while, switching places every now and then. Now I have to tell you I'm not a big fan of the song, but after what I saw them doing with the cane-the image comes to mind every time I listen to the song. During the line, "I can not hide I can't erase, the way you make me feel inside, you complete me girl that's why…", I was really only paying attention to Nick so I missed everyone else doing this, but they all place the cane behind their back, bending their elbows to hold it, and slowly, and I mean slowly, gyrate their hips while moving their hands in a circular motion. The thought brings a smile to my face every time I think about it. The song soon comes to an end and each guy stands on the trap door to be taken underneath.
After that they all go to the top of the stage where rafters are placed and they sing "More Than That." Howie and Nick were on my side and my aunt and I held up out sign-"Tell Regis We Said Hi"-in hopes one of them would see it. Howie seemed to be concentrating on it for awhile-but you never know-they look in your direction and you just assume…
"I Want it That Way" comes next…and I was so happy because Nick finally said the line "Don't wanna hear you say." He didn't at the last concert I was at and it ticked me off…lol. I remember them being taken under the stage then on chairs and the place went dark again.
"Not For Me" is next. Love seeing this song performed. They come out in black outfits with these very thin red and black shirts over top the black one they are also wearing. Brian pulls out a card from his pocket during "I found a note with this number…" Oh there is a flame backdrop during this song from the screen as well. What else…red scarf things blow up behind the guys and they all stand over air vents that blow their red shirts around.
I'm not sure about details after that point. I will add in here as much as I can remember. Okay let's see…the guys travel from side ramp to side ramp during "Show Me the Meaning," then shortly after that a chest is brought out and placed over a trap door. AJ jokes about letting everyone watch them change and one by one they go into the chest. You're then supposed to watch the screens to see them changing. Howie and Nick are talking about a girl in the stands that was winking at Nick. Nick looks at Howie surprised and says, "Really?" When Howie nods Nick looks straight at the screen and says, "Hi." Um…Howie and Nick also act like they are exchanging numbers and Howie says. "She's too old for you." They show Brian and Kevin having trouble opening their lockers and falling down over benches and each other. Then they start throwing stuffed animals up out of the box and up on stage you see them flying out. AJ talks about all his tattoos and then is shown shoving his way into the mirror (while Howie is fixing his hair), lifts his finger to his nose and says "Booger check." There is more, I just don't remember.
Then the guys are lifted up at a different stage in the back of the arena. They were really small from my view so I watched the screen's more. Here they sang part of "I'll Never Break Your Heart" and "I Promise You." They also sing "How Did I Fall In Love With You?" at this stage. After that song was over Kevin made a comment about Nick's birthday, he said "He's legal now." So AJ jokes, "Watch out," and then we were asked if we wanted to sing Happy Birthday to Nick. So the whole arena sang to Nick as he blushed.
During the songs AJ and Nick sat on the little stage and a bridge came down from overhead. They started singing "Time" and walked across the bridge. Someone threw up a green cowboy hat for AJ and he walked around with it. Kevin sat on the bridge most of the song, dangling his feet off the end. Nick did the same and his feet had to be at least 1 foot away from the crowd below. They all did end up on the main stage again and every time they sang the word "time", Nick would look at his watch.
The bridge went back up and the stage went dark again and quickly the lights came back up. Kevin started talking about the charities the guys had been working with and soon "Answer to Our Life" began. On the big screen in the background, images of environmental scenes played and Nick turned around and got on one knee to watch.
"All I Have to Give" was next. At the beginning Nick came out and took the cowboy hat off the guitar player, putting it on his head. Then when Brian came out he took it off Nick's head, wore it, then when he was done with it, threw it out into the crowd. They all got hats and later chairs came up from under the stage. At this point "All I Have to Give" wasn't over, but the song turned into one I didn't know. I liked the beat and thought maybe I had an idea of what it was-no clue. I later found out the song was from the Booty Call soundtrack "If You Stay". All the guys sat on the chairs, lounging around, dancing to the music. The chairs then went down and a microphone camp up and they sang the rest a cappella. They sounded amazing.
Let's see, what else, oh they sing "Everybody" and are propelled up on stage through the trap doors. I remember Nick grabbing an electric blue guitar and played. I'm telling you it was hilarious to watch. "Get Another Boyfriend" was next. Lots of dancing through that one. After that I think they introduced the band members. Each guys would come up from beneath the stage and introduced some dancers and a band member. Nick introduced the drummer and when the guy began to play, Nick started convulsing and fell down on the floor, still shaking.
Then AJ stayed on the stage all by himself and said that the next song would be the last (not really)-so all of a sudden a phone starts ringing and he keeps asking if he should answer it. I'm thinking, "You call her, she doesn't call you." At any rate, he picks up and starts talking while the other guys come back out. I don't remember much of this song. Trying too hard to pay attention, but everything was moving constantly. I do remember during the middle of the song when they sing, "Oh oh oh…" that part. Well, right before that when they say "Gotta go." They jumped under the stage and you had to watch the screens cause the video was playing, but soon they all came back up with blue choir boy outfits on singing the "oh oh oh…" part. Then they rip off the outfits and continue with the song.
They did come back to sing "Shape of My Heart." All the guys went up and down the ramps-AJ, Kevin, and Howie spent most of the time on my side. At one point Kevin was holding out his hand and I guess someone pulled too hard cause he needed to grab the chain holding the ramp up and resituated himself so he wouldn't fall. I spent most of the time after that trying to get a good Howie picture for Lauren so I missed what everyone else was doing (Luv ya Lauren).
Everyone ended up in the middle stage and at the end they stepped to the beat of "The Call" back to their trap doors. Brian messed up and fell on his butt so he just laid there, don't know if that was intentional or not. But he got back up and they all descended under the stage on the trap doors. AJ did come back up and said one last good-bye. And as soon as he left-it was over.
I loved the show; it's fast paced and keeps you entertained. There are no intros and no confetti-I was hoping there would be cause I wanted some to take home. From where I was sitting the view wasn't great-though I got some nice butt shots-and the sound wasn't the greatest-everything was projected away from me, but I'll be in DC so we'll see what pics and experiences I take with me from there. Look for that review coming soon.

(Okay okay…so maybe I did get into detail. I just wanted to make you feel like you were there.)

Concert Experience