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*This is a list of matches that I have had over my career that I feel are the best matches.*

1.) Brian "O" -vs- Sean "The Shocker" Evans

This match was my first good match I was the baby face here and I was taking alot of the beating that the shocker was handing out but I always manage to keep coming up with counters through the hole match until I finally beat him with a roll-up.

2.) Brian "O" -vs- Sean "The Shocker" Evans

In this return match it was alot like the first match but Shocker also had some help this time with Barry Kolof in his corner with Shocker beating me with a Tornato DDT.

3.) Brian "O" -vs- Mr. Big

In this match I started to turn heel taking on the big 300 plus lbs of Mr. Big Iused alot of high risk moves & also alot of cheap moves including the finish as the ref gave a fast 3 count for the win.

4.) Brian "O" & Michael Vein -vs- Barry Kolof & "Big Time" Vince Kaplack

Here the Dog Pound jumped us right away. But as things started to slow down, I took over on Big Time and started to work him down, until the ref got distracted by Barry causing my partner to come in. Which then the two started to work me over until I finally got a much needed tag. My partner came in like a house of fire before he got cut off by those two. This caused for me to come in & all four of us where going at it. During the confusion Big Time hit his Fly'en Elbow off the top rope on me to get the win.

5.) Brian "O" -vs- Brandon K

This was a fast pace match with the two of us. Me basically using my stength and power moves on little K and he was using all the high risk which did pay off for him in the end as he caught me show boating on the tope rope ,he delievered a Frankenstiener off the tope rope for the win.

6.) Brian "O" -vs- Superstar 2000

This match started off as a brawl , before I took over with wrestling and beat Superstar 2000 with a tiger bomb out of the corner in about 3 minutes.

7.) Brian "O" -vs- Mr. Big

Here the fued picked up right where we left off with both of us using power moves and me just being a little bite smarter than Mr. Big on countering some of his moves .Finally after about 30 minutes I got Mr. Big pinned with a role up.

8.) Brian "O" -vs- Harley Lewis

This match was put together at the last minute in a result that the two of us where fighting back stage. We went back and fourth ofr a better part of the match until I caught Harley trying to run in at me while I was in the corner , Then he tried again running at me but this time I was in the middle of the ring and power slammed him for the 1,2,3 count.

9.) Brian "O" -vs- Guido Corleone

Now let me start off by telling you we where tag team partners, plus we both went to Shane Douglas School & finished about the same time. This match was around the 30 minute mark also with both of us trying to out do the other, we where both trying moves that we haven't done before hoping to get an edge on the other. Which also caused alot of near falls in this match. The end finally coming when Guido attempt to throw me into the corner I reversed it sending him in , he did an up & over but I caught him in it then nailed my "O" Bomb for the finish.

10.) Brian "O" -vs- Denny Gregory

I would like to start this off by saying it was a real honor for me to get this match. Let me tell you though this was no joke Denny really tested my skill in the ring but I also feel that I took Denny to the limit also. Fans I can't describe this match in words it was just that good, but look for it on "The Best of Brian "O" tape when you go to shows that I am at.

11.) Brian "O" -vs- Too Cool Brad

Now this was a match where we both have already went against each other many times but always in tag matches this was the first time we went against each other in a single match. Just like before I would take control over the match but Brad would never give up always trying to fight back but after about 20 minutes he made a big mistake when he went for an up & over out of the corner where I caught him and delivered the O Bomb to put him away.

12.) Brian "O" & Big Playa -vs- T Rantula & Brian Anthony , *(Table Elimination Match)*

Here myself and T started off there where no punches pulled as when we locked up both of us where trying to take the easy way out to get the upper handthis went back and forth until after about the first three minutes, when I was able to get the upper hand on Brian. Now I wasnt holding anything back as I started suplexing him right off the bat and hitting the "O" Bomb, T made the save on this one. Playa then came in and started taking over until he was cut off by T as T and Brian doubled team on Playa , Playa keep fighting back ,at this piont things started to get a little out of control as we all started brawling in the ring which lead to brawling outside the ring. well to make this short I got the upper hand on Anthony and placed him on a table next to a balcony I then climb up to the balcony and leaped off putting Brian threw the table which now eliminated Brian from the match. As we started a two on one the locker room empty out and started brawling with us also.Things got so bad that the Referee had no choiced but then to throw this match out.

13.) T Rantula -vs- Brian "O" (Okland Street Fight)

This amtch now was the first street fight that I have been in and let me tell you if you where there you got your money's worth. This started out as T jumped me from behind and started pounding on me with punches and kicks , but not wasteing no time in picking up stuff to hit me with signs ,crutches you name it. But dont worry Ohalics the "O" started his come back also fireing punches of my own and hitting T with everything I could get my hands on. we then started to fight out side the ring and into the crowd which lead to out side the bar in Okland,PA and into the street you can see the cars passing by. I rammed T into a fence across the street, also into a truck that was parked outside ,I also Took some of the same . As we started to battle are way back inside T got the upper hand and set me up on a table that he jumped off the apron with an elbow to put me through it. I still managed to fight back and get the upper hand on T when I got him set on a table where I then climbed to the top of a balcony and leaped from 20 feet in the air to put T through the table. But on this move I hurt myself just as much as I hurt him after a few minutes T managed to recover and get me up for a power slam to get the win in this match.

14.)Brian "O" , Skull Ganz , Widowmaker -VS- J.T. Lightning , Al Green (wcw), Doug Gilbert

This started out with all 6 men hitting the ring and started to brawl. Al Green & Skull Ganz battled to the outside along with Doug Gilbert and Brian "O". This left widowmaker in with J.T. Lightning, the referee finally got the men separated and into there corners. Widowmaker was doing pretty good in there with J.T. looking to make mincemeat of him, but he let up allowing J.T. to make the tag to Al Green who came in started to get the best of widowmaker he then quickly made the tag to Skull Ganz who came in and started to over power the WCW superstar. He then wisely tag in Doug Gilbert who got the upper hand on Skull but Doug let Skull fall into his own corner which is when he tag in Brian "O" . Doug and Brian lock up with Doug getting the upper hand and starts to punch the living heck out of the young star, Doug then goes to send Brian off the ropes he reverses it sending Doug in and hits his spinning heel kick following it up with a body slam, then going for it all Brian hits his moonsault off the top rope. Doug kicks out on 2 so Brian quickly tags in widowmaker they give Doug a double backdrop. Now widow starts to do his work but is cut off by doug who makes the tag and J.T. comes back in and starts beating widowmaker into the ground things at this point started to get pretty heavy as Skull & Brian where getting pretty pissed off do to the referee in this not stopping all the illegal stuff that the other side was doing. After about ten minutes of this everything got out of hand with all 6 men in the ring again. Brian & Skull finally wind up in the ring with widowmaker and they hit him with their finish a power bomb into a neck breaker an then walk out of the match leaving him in the ring to be pinned.

15.) Three Way Dance - Brian "O" -vs-Al Green -vs-Brain Damage

Brain Damage and Brian "O" come out first. Then Al Green comes down hitting the ring swing a chain around Brain Damage and Brian "O" both bail out leaving Al in there by his self. Al goes up to the second rope for crowd approval this was a mistake as Brian "O" comes in and blind sides him Brain Damage then blinds sides Brian and starts to work on him but al is looking to get some to. This is how mast of this match was with all three guys getting on the other not letting either one try to out do the other. Until about half way throughout the match Brian "O" gets Al on the outside and throws him into a post then jumps back into the ring Brain Damage cuts him off coming in the ring sends him into a corner charges in Brian catches him with a boot, then hits his moonsault for the pin. Now it down to Brian "O" and Al Green who really did a good job in there but Al was just to much for Brian "O". Al hits Brian with a power slam to get the win.

16.) Brian "O" -vs- Matt Borne

This was a barn burner fans. Matt came to the ring all worked up and pissed off and got on the mic telling all the fans how he was going to take his anger out on me then take the ladies from the Gentleman’s Club and have his way with them all night long. But Brian got on the Mic and told Matt that this wasn't just another match he was about to enter into the O-World. Well Matt came right after him laying in punch after punch along with array of chops you could feel them in your seat. Then Matt went to send Brian off the ropes, Brian ducked a clothesline then an elbow, then he landed his spinning heel kick followed by a drop kick then Brian waited as Matt got up and Brian nearly took his head off with a clothes line before Matt bailed out of the ring. Brian knowing the former WWF, WCW Star and after watching countless hours of tape footage on him knew not to go out after Matt. Waiting for him to finally get back into the ring Brian came right after him giving it everything he had, Matt though being the crafty veteran cut Brian off and started pummeling him again Matt was on top most of this match But the young kid Brian "O" just wouldn't stay down Matt took him all around the ring and even threw him into the crowd, But a turning point in this match was when Brain "O" threw Matt Borne to the outside and T-Rantula came out picked Matt up rammed him into the post and then tossed him back into the ring where Brian was waiting with a table for Matt. Brian put Matt on the table and started up the balcony 20 feet from the ring where Brian waited just a little to long this time as he listens to the crowd. When he came off the balcony Matt moved out of the way which sent Brian through by himself. Matt then manages to crawl over to Brian and go for a cover but Brian kicked out on a 2 1/2 count the fans couldn't believe it. With both men daises they staggered to there feet and started to throw punches Matt then grab a head lock Brain countered with sending Matt off into the ropes, Matt comes off and both men collide into each other plus as Brian was going down he took the referee with him knocking out everyone. Blade then came down thinking he would help Matt put Matt on top of Brian but T-Rantula came down again taking out Blade then placing Brain on top of Matt and getting the referee to count for the win. Brian "O" wins.

17.)Brian "O" -vs- The Sandman

This started with the Sandman already in the ring my music hits Gentleman Joe comes out but I dont show. The Sandman starts arguing with joe then I jump down onto the sandman from the rafters I then start punishing him with punches as I taunt him with verbal comments. Finally the sandman has had enough and throws me out of the ring we start battling in front of the ring I go for a Table and set it up ,he cuts me off and throws me into the crowd we start to battle through the crowd and all over the building until we make way back to the ring. Just as we get in the ring I go for the O-Bomb but he counters as I start to run he drops behind me and I take a turn buckle followed by a DDT from the sandman. Veronica then comes in and drop kicks the sandman then trys for another but he moves out of the way, and grabs her by the head. Now Hidi Ho comes in with the sandmans kane and goes to wack the sandman but he moves and she wacks veronica. The sandman then takes the kane and starts whipping Hidi Ho with it. By now I start to come around but the sandman see this and grabs me ,then lauches me over the top rope & threw a table about 8' Feet below. The crowd went nuts!! But while the sandman was looking at me below Brain Damage got behind him and delivered a driver , while Gentleman joe & the girls helped me into the ring I went for the cover but the sandman kicked out. Seth James then came in and delivered a DDT and placed me on the sandman for the cover but again he kicked out. the sandman then went for a sign to finish me off , But By now I have got a little of my strength back just enough to deliver a spinning heel kick as the sandman had the sign up by his head knocking him out. I went fort he cover and the win.

18.) Brian "O" -VS- Balls Mahoney

Balls came to the ring here and informed the referee that there would be NO disqualification’s at all and that if any one wanted to interfere that he would deal with them in his own way. Then the bell rang Brian went right at him throwing rights, then balls blocked one and then started in. the crowd yelling BALLS, BALLS, BALLS, WHOO, WHOOO, BALLS Brian hits the canvas and tries to roll out to get away from balls, but the fight is on and Balls follows him out. These two then start brawling all over the bar area breaking bottles over each other and destroying the place. Brian gets a hold of some kind of metal cup and starts going to work on Balls busting his for head open and the gets balls back into the ring where Brian then starts working on Balls arm making it start to bleed also. Brian then starts to take his time, instead of staying on Balls. Balls cuts him off and then picks up the metal cup that Brian had and he makes him pay for everything that he did by now Brian was bleeding from one ear to the other. But Balls wasn’t done yet with the young star of FNW he throws Brian out of the ring again and again the go through the crowd destroying everything that was left from the first time during this both guys where in a rage that I haven’t seen from either man during there career. Finally they get back to the ring and Brian gets the upper hand and starts going to his arsenal he hits the moonsault, the frog splash, spinning heel kick but Balls always manages to kick out. Then Balls gets his and hits Brian with some new moves that I havn't seen Balls ever use first the Death Driver, then a Michinoko Driver off the tope rope but just as Balls Brian always manages to kick out. Then Brian’s stable started to come in as hideho distracts Balls and while he has her on her knees begging Veronica comes in hit Balls with a spin kick, as Balls turns around Brian grabs the big 300 plus pound of Balls picks him up and spin busters him through a table full of tacks then falls on him and manages to hook the leg long enough to get the win over Balls Mahoney. (Get the Best of Brian "O" to see what Balls does to him after the match was over.

19.)Brian "O" -VS- Tatanka

Brian "O" comes to the ring first and is getting all kind of heat with the crowd. Then Tatanka starts to make his way to the ring wearing the heavyweight title , he gets in the ring and starts his indian dance brian bails out of the ring and starts to tell the referee to make him stop along with the fans. After about 3 1/2 minutes of this brian climbs back into the ring. Brian then waits for Tatanka to turn around to take off his head dress and he charges after him , Tatanka side steps him pushing him into the corner and starts landing kicks to the mid section followed by some punches , finnally Tatanka bills Brian out of the corner followed by a big back drop where Brian quickly gets out of the ring again. After regaining his thoughts and composure Brian climbs back into the ring and trys to make friends with Tatanka. But Tatanka was to smart for him as when Brian went to through a punch Tatanka blocked it and started firing in on him again. Finally Brian cheats by raking the eyes of Tatanka and then starts to go to work on him. By suplexing him,and punching him straight into the O-World Brian started to show guts just like all the other matches he's in. Brian lands his spinning heel kick and goes for a cover but Tatanka kicks out. Brian is starting to get a little frustated by this and he picks Tatanka up and trys to go for a bill of is own but Tatanka blocks it brian then try to clothesline him but Tatanka ducks and lands a devastating chop which drops Brian like a rock. Tatanka who is still a little weak is unable to follow up real fast , which gives Brian time to come to his feet. Brian goes for a kick which Tatanka catches , Brian then lands an vicious kick to the side of Tatanka heads. Tatanka drops like a fly who just got smacked. The fans thought it was over for sure. But Brian was taking to long yelling at the fans and the referee before climbing to the tope rope where he goes for a frog splash but misses. Tatanka now not wasteing any time starts his little dance around Brian while landing chops to the head everytime Brian tried to get up then finally grabing him and delievering a samon drop for the win. This was a great match fans so look for it on the best of Brian "O" Volume 2 when it comes out.

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