1: The story must be able to be read, it should not have millions upon millions of typoes, grammatical errors, whatever, listen up, there's a little something on your word processors known as Spell Check, use it.
2: It must fall within one of these categories:
Any Fan Fiction
Fantasy/High Fantasy
General Fiction
Romantic Fiction
3:It must not contain:
Violence of the type you would see in an R-rated movie, no dwelling on the fact that the character has exploded (E.G.: As they looked at his body, they saw his guts leaking out of his stomach, his eyes dropping from their sockets) Nothing like that
Sex, self-explanatory, nuff said
Overuse of foul language, if your character is just like that, please, tell me, so I can put a warning on the page.
Racism, if the character is a racist, I don't mean that. I mean using racist words over and over again, even when a character is not using them
4:It must contain
A name
A summary for me to put on the page
A rating (like the movies, G, PG, PG-13, R, if it is R, I must ask why, so don't think you might have your story on my page instantly)
If it is a short story, tell me, so I can put it in the short story section.
5:You may not
Flame me, if I made a mistake with your story, please e-mail me and I'll fix it.
Plagiarize, no I haven't read every story on the net, but if I see two stories on this board that are almost the same, I will delete them both and ignore both the authors.
E-mail the other authors with harsh words, if you want to criticize their work, fine, don't do it so harshly that you will hurt their feelings. I don't want the authors to make fun of other's stories.
6:Be expected to...
Recieve e-mails from me pertaining to your story
Complete your story. I don't want half a dozen chapters of a sixty chapter book lying around.
Critique, if someone asks you about critiquing their work, because they think yours is great. Either put them down nicely, or accept graciously.
That's all you need to know. If you want to send in a story, please e-mail me