Your name and state (Phone is optional): Email address: Have you ever had a Yorkie? Yes No Are you looking for male or female? Male Female Either Age of Youngest household member? 0-10 11-18 over 18 Does everyone agree to adding a new pup in the household? Yes No If needed will you do obedience training with new pet? Yes No Do you have any other pets? Yes No How much time do you have to spend training and caring for a new pet? At least an hour a day A few minutes after work As much time as the pet needs Somebody else in the house will care for the pet Very little, just want a companion when I have time. Please tell me what makes you interested in the Yorkie and what you expect from your new family addition.
Your name and state (Phone is optional): Email address: Have you ever had a Yorkie? Yes No Are you looking for male or female? Male Female Either Age of Youngest household member? 0-10 11-18 over 18 Does everyone agree to adding a new pup in the household? Yes No If needed will you do obedience training with new pet? Yes No Do you have any other pets? Yes No
Yes No
Male Female Either
0-10 11-18 over 18
How much time do you have to spend training and caring for a new pet? At least an hour a day A few minutes after work As much time as the pet needs Somebody else in the house will care for the pet Very little, just want a companion when I have time.
At least an hour a day A few minutes after work As much time as the pet needs Somebody else in the house will care for the pet Very little, just want a companion when I have time.
Please tell me what makes you interested in the Yorkie and what you expect from your new family addition.