Celestrial Sailor Venus

Roll Call
Otaku Senshi

Name: Minako Aino

Sex: Female

Height: 5'0"

Eye Color: Green

Hair: Long blonde, down to about her knees.

Birthday: October 22

Blood type: B

Build: Her normal build

Unique Characteristics: In celestrial form she is just as fast as Sailor Meteor, and they are often seen racing. And also in celestrial form her hair is in two big balls, just like Usagi's, but with out the long pigtails, with one long bang at the side.

Senshi Name: Celestrial Sailor Venus

Phrase: What it usually is

Senshi Colors: Gold, white, and blue

Realm: Venus

Henshin Phrase: Celestrial Venus Power!

Animal Guide: Artemis, a white cat that she found back at age 13. She found him in the series 'Code Name: Sailor V'. Artemis is Luna's husband, and Diana's father. He has a crescent moon on his forehead, like Luna and Diana. This cat too can talk, just as he can turn human.

Fuku: Looks just like Eternal Sailor Moon's fuku, but it's all yellow with blue boots and white bows. she has wings, so she can fly super fast.

Transformation: Not Specified

Weapons: The Celestrial Moon Bow. It is like a normal bow but it is all gold with a red crystal in the middle called the 'Venus Dash Ruby'.


"Venus Meteor Arrow Attack!!!"

When she says this she holds her bow up and pulls back the string and an arrow made of light instantly appears. Then she lets go of the string and the arrow instantly turns into a powerful blast of light-energy and it hurls toward the enemy in the shape of an giant beam.

"Multiple Hyper Beam BLAST!!!"

When she says this she holds her bow up and pulls the string, now many little balls of light-energy form at the middle of the bow. They now spread out and become bigger and each of them shoots out a beam so now there are about 7 beams hitting the enemy. They all join together to form a huge, massive and powerful beam that seldomly fails.

"Deadly Speed!"

She holds her bow out and runs with super speed towards the enemy. Then her crystal charges up and as soon as she touches the enemy it instantly explodes.

"Cosmic Speed Duo Attack!"

(only done with Sailor Meteor) They both join hands with their weapons in the other hand and then they charge up and run circles around the enemy. Because they are running so fast they are forming a band of energy around the enemy, and when they jump out of the band it instantly closes in on the enemy to kill it.

Background: Like on the Moon Kingdom and everything dealing with her life as Sailor V and a Usagi look a like.

Favorite Food: Gyouza, Ramen, and Curry Rice

Least Favorite Food: Shiitake Mushrooms

Favorite Gem Stone: Topaz

Favorite School Subject: Physical Education

Least Favorite Subject: Everything Else

Strengths: Flirting & playing

Weaknesses: Mamma and the cops *think Sailor V here! Remember her cop friend, and how the cops were after her?*

Future Goals: To become an idol

Hobbies: Chasing after idols *Think Three Lights!*

Family: A mother and a father

Became a senshi: Always been one, since the begining of time! *well...when she was born*

Personality: Like it's always been, idols crazy...a bit of a ditz...

By: Dee