In a city now known as Crystal Tokyo was a beautiful queen and king. They were known as Neo-Queen Serenity and Neo-King Endymion. They lived in a crystal palace with their guards, the sailor scouts, and their two advisors, Luna and Artemis.
One day in the beginning of August they had a son, who they named Orion Endymion Mamoru Apollo Chiba. He had jet-black hair with silver streaks and dark blue eyes.
The kingdom rejoiced with happiness. They had parties in his name.
Everyone was happy that the kingdom had an heir. They sent gifts from all over the universe to show their happiness and love for the small prince.
One gift, from far away, changed all that. Two days after he was born, came a woman in a long black dress that flowed out a meter from her body, long black hair that was up in a series of buns and loops with extra going down to her waist. Her skin was pale and she had black make-up on.
"Who are you?" Artemis asked getting up and walking towards her.
"My name is Pandora. I've come to give the young prince a gift." She said smiling lightly, "It's allowed right?" she asked showing them the little black box with silver and red cravings on it.
"No, it's alright." Serenity said smiling, but had a slight feeling of doubt inside.
"Thank you, your Majesty." Pandora said walking over to the crib, "He's a very beautiful child." She said as she unlocked the small box, "Yes, her shall grow into a strong young man." She said as a gray mist swirled around her ankles un-noticed by anyone else in the room.
"Don't you dare open that box, Pandora!" Sailor Pluto commanded as she suddenly appeared behind her.
"What? This box?" she asked casually, her eyes locked on the sleeping baby.
"Pandora, you do anything to the prince and I will kill you!" she snapped as Serenity and Endymion got up, fearing for their son's safety.
"If you can get to me!" Pandora snarled as she opened the box and a swirl of black fog flood into the room from the box, "Too late." She said as she vanished into the fog.
"No!" Pluto yelled as she ran to the crib where Orion was sleeping soundlessly, "Please, don't let anything happen to him." She said looking past the fog into the crib, "No." she gasped as she saw the mark of Pandora on his small left hand.
"Pluto, what happened!" she heard Endymion snap.
"Calm down, Your Majesty." Pluto said calmly as the fog completely cleared. She saw Serenity and Endymion standing up and looking at her. Serenity looked very pale. "He's alright." She said, as Serenity looked a little more relived.
"Who was that!" Endymion snapped as the scouts came up behind Pluto, Saturn leading them. They all looked sad and shocked at the same time.
"That was Pandora." Pluto said holding back tears.
"What happened, Pluto?" Serenity asked walking towards her, "You said he was alright."
"He is. But… he has been curse." She said as she hung her head as Serenity gasp and walk backwards into Endymion's arms, "She got to him before I could get here. I saw it coming, and I tried to stop her. I tried so hard." She said as a few tears ran down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Your Majesties." She said not wanting to look either of them in the face.
"What… What'll happen to him?" Endymion said as his arms tightened around Serenity's waist.
"He will be fine... But there is only two things we can do for him now." She said looking over at Saturn.
"No. You can't do that to him." Serenity said turning away from them tears falling down to the ground.
"Alright. If you want it this way." Pluto said as Saturn's Glaive was replaced with a black blanket.
She walked up to the crib and carefully wrapped it around the small sleeping child. She picked him up and walked back to the scouts, who were also crying.
"We're so sorry." The scouts said as the vanished along with Orion, who never got to see his parents ever again.
Otaku Senshi
Otaku Senshi Fanfics