Roll Call Form
Otaku Senshi
Please take your time! Leave something blank if you don't want it included.
What is your characters human name?
Male or Female? Height?
Eye Color? Hair? Birthday?
Blood Type? Build?
Unique Characteristics?
Senshi Name?
What are your characters senshi colors?
Henshin Phrase?
Does your character have an Animal Guide? If so, whats it like?
Senshi Fuku, what does it all look like?
What does your senshi's transformation look like?
Weapons? Please describe how they look and such.
Attack 1?
Attack 2?
Attack 3?
Attack 4?
Attack 5?
Attack 6?
Attack 7?
Attack 8?
Attack 9?
Attack 10? E-mail me if she/he has anymore! -_-;;
What was his or her background like??
Least and favorite foods and school subjects? Favorite gem? Strengths? Weaknesses?
Hobbies? Family? Future Goals?
How did your senshi became a senshi??
What's your website for the character if you have one?
Does he/she have a pic? if so, name off all the URL's with a - to space them!
Whats your e-mail & name?
Anything else? Comments?