Roll Call

Otaku Senshi
Make your Senshi
Roll Call Form

Welcome! This is where all the Otaku Senshi made can be found! Well, atleast the ones submitted to me...Their senshi page will be made (with their stats) and maybe a picture if they have one. And if there is a site with more information on them I will link that site, so free traffic to your site! Yeah! And remember, there can be 2+ senshi with the same name in here. Every senshi is different, no matter the name! The *'s mean that the senshi is made by another person, if the senshi has a similar name to another. So, they are different!

Sailor Sun Sailor Element Fire Sailor NeoElectra

Sailor Element Water Sailor Cloud 9 Sailor Element Air

Sailor Element Earth Sailor Distant Star Sailor Asteroid

Sailor Comet Sailor Element Light Sailor Element Dark

Sailor Silver Kitty Sailor Silence Sailor Element Love

Sailor Element Life Sailor Element Time Sailor Meteor

Sailor Meteorite Celestrial Sailor Mercury Sailor Astro Mars

Sailor Element Death* Celestrial Sailor Mars Sailor Molecule

Celestrial Sailor Jupiter Celestrial Sailor Venus Sailor Helios

Sailor Thunder Tiger Sailor Hyperion Sailor Nitro

Princess Karisma Sailor Apocalypse Sailor Assasin

Sailor Element Shadow Sailor Luna Sailor Terra

Sailor White Ice Sailor Draco Sailor Plasma

Sailor Camelion Warrior Hypnotist Warrior Beauty

Sailor Silver Star Sailor Phobos Warrior Destruction

Warrior Tri Star Sailor StarDust Warrior Twin Alpha

Sailor Andromeda Super Sailor Fire Sailor Solaris

Celestrial Sailor Uranus Sailor Warrior Serinity Sailor Warrior Angel

Crystal SailorMoon Sailor Paper Meliphis Sailor Warrior Darkness

Sailor Kaen Warrior Night Hawk Sailor Star Maiden

Sailor Spirit Sailor Warrior Hoochie Sailor Kinmoku*

Sailor Zodiac Sailor Keeper Sailor Nocturnal

Sailor Andromeda* Sailor Nature Sailor Panther

Sailor Crescent Star Sailor Diamond Storm Sailor Icicle

Sailor Star Sailor Aphrodite Sailor Cordelia

Sailor Yasha & Demon Kaji Sailor Chronos Sailor Io

Sailor NightStar Sailor Angel Warrior Evil Lady Kiki

Sailor Warrior Inferno Evil Lord Flairion Super Sailor Hoochie

Sailor Full Moon Sailor Star* Sailor Luciva

Sailor Star Hunter Sailor Mystic Sailor Scorpio

Warrior Aquarius Ultra Mars Neo Sailor Chronos

Sailor Sky Sailor Star Lover* Sailor CrystalRose

Sailor War Sailor Millenium Sailor Vulpecula

Sailor Diamond Angel Sakura Tejina Sailor Phoenix

Sailor Artemis Sailor Unicorn Sailor StarDream

Evil Lady Lili Sailor Star*