Sailor Andromeda

Roll Call
Otaku Senshi

Name: Omoi Migawari

Sex: Female

Height: 5'11"

Eye Color: Green

Hair: Long & blonde with a braid on her right side.

Birthday: May 13th

Blood type: O-

Build: Slender and curvaceous, but very well toned muscles.

Unique Characteristics: Has a scar on her right thigh, and freckles, especially one under her left eye that looks like a tear drop.

Senshi Name: Sailor Andromeda

Phrase: "I am the scout who protects from afar, Sailor Andromeda!"

Senshi Colors: Green, Gold, & Silver

Realm: Space, mainly plasma

Henshin Phrase: Andromeda Galaxy Crystal Power!

Animal Guide: None

Fuku: The collar is gold, as well as the skirt, her main body fuku is black also her gloves are, her boots are long and black with silver trim, her bows are silver and her tiara is silver with a gold gem.

Transformation: Not Specified

Weapons: A sword. It has a gold handle that forms a lion, and has a ruby incrested into the eye of the lion, the blade of the sword also has an emerald encrested into it.


"Andromeda Plasma Discs Charge!"

Sends discs of plasma at an enemy, cutting it, and so on.

"Andromeda Plasma Kekkei!!!"

Fuses with an enemy's blood and rips it apart from the inside.

"Andromeda Plasma Planet Mass Crush!"

The attack takes the weight of the planet of Plasma, Andromeda and crushes an enemy with it.

"Andromeda Crystal Chaos!!!"

The attack takes the emotions Omoi is feeling insde of her, and turns them into energy, getting multiplied one hundred fold before.

Background: She came to Earth after her planet and galaxy was destroyed by the dark forces. She watched her fiance die, as well as her family. She is the only heir of Andromeda, and the only one of the Andromeda Angel Senshi left.

Favorite Food: Pizza

Least Favorite Food: Not Specified

Favorite Gem Stone: Emerald

Favorite School Subject: Art and Spanish

Least Favorite Subject: Not Specified

Strengths: Stronged willed, tactful, and caring.

Weaknesses: Too trusting, and naive.

Future Goals: She wants to become a world famous performer, and artist.

Hobbies: Drawing, singing, dancing, and sculpting.

Family: None, they are dead.

Became a senshi: She was born into the Royal family of Andromeda, and her mother possessed the Andromeda Crystal, but never knew the power of it, and when her 13th birthday came, she inherited it just as her mother had and so on, she unlocked the powers of it, by accident, calling out the name Andromeda while holding it, and was transformed into Sailor Andromeda, then she gave 15 other girls in her galaxy who she thought were deserving, powers of other planets in her solar system, and she became the leader, when the dark forces began attacking.

Personality: Happy-go-lucky, but mysterious, and extremely shy, she also is very naive, and too trusting, although she is very trustworthy, she doesn't know who not to trust most of the time, unless it's been established that they're an enemy.

Senshi's Website

By: Jess