Sailor Andromeda*

Roll Call
Otaku Senshi

Name: Lucas Tenou

Sex: Male

Height: 6'11"

Eye Color: Yellow

Hair: Golden, very short almost a buzz-cut

Birthday: February 21st

Age: 18

Blood type: B-

Build: Average, tough and wiry, and heavily muscled

Unique Characteristics: He can tell when there will be an earthquake anywhere on any planet.

Senshi Name: Sailor Andromeda

Phrase: "I am the Scout of land and I shall punish you for all of your wrong doings!"

Senshi Colors: Gold, Silver, and Yellow

Realm: Earthquakes and Tides

Henshin Phrase: Andromeda Earthquake Power!

Animal Guide: None

Fuku: He has a gold cape with silver lining that goes down to his ankle. He has the sign of Uranus on his forehead. Yellow combat boots with silver laces. Yellow pants. Silver shirt not tucked in, with no sleeves. Silver belt.

Transformation: Not Specified

Weapons: His mom *Sailor Uranus* gave him the same sword she used to use.


"Earthquake Crumble!"

Earth comes up from beneath him and bashes into the enemy.

"Space Sword BLASTER!"

Same as Sailor Uranus'

"Rolling Earth!"

This attack makes the earth from beneath him make a large wave and hit the enemy.

"Andromeda Explosion!!"

A blast of white light hits the enemy.

Background: He is the only child from Uranus and is the only heir.

Favorite Food: Fondue

Least Favorite Food: Stir-fry

Favorite School Subject: Astronomy

Least Favorite Subject: Japanese History

Favorite Gem Stone: Prism

Strengths: Not Specified

Weaknesses: Not Specified

Hobbies: Racing, any sport, and playing the piano.

Family: His mom is Haruka. He calls Michiru his other mom and her two kids are like his sisters.

Future Goals: To be a better racer than his mom

Became a senshi: Not Specified

Personality: Tough, protective, loving, and smart

Senshi's Website

By: Chrissy