Sailor Aphrodite

Roll Call
Otaku Senshi

Name: Cassy Aino

Sex: Female

Height: 5'5"

Eye Color: Green

Hair: Blonde, worn down, a little past her waist

Birthday: May 15th

Blood type: B+

Build: Skinny, delicate and fragile, average strength.

Unique Characteristics: She can see things others can‘t. She can also move things with her mind.

Senshi Name: Sailor Aphrodite

Phrase: “I am the Protector of Love and anyone that breaks a heart will deal with me!”

Senshi Colors: Pink and lavender

Realm: Love & Beauty

Henshin Phrase: Aphrodite Beauty Love Power!

Animal Guide: Not Specified

Fuku: Skirt pink with light purple stripes. Collar white with light purple stripes. Pink choker. Light purple bodice. Knee boots pink with a light purple stripe. Light purple back bow. Pink front bow with light purple heart brooch. Gloves pink.

Transformation: She uses a pink heart brooch, says her phrase and little hearts shoot out of her and wrap around her. Then they shoot from her feet and disappear.

Weapons: Broken Heart: It’s a heart orb thing that floats around her after she summons it.


“Broken Heart Cry!”

The orb floats in front of her heart then flies at the enemy and explodes.

“Shattered Love!!”

She throws her orb at the enemy and half-way there it turns into million little shards and pierces the enemy.

“Beauty Beat!”

A blast of energy comes out of the broken heart and hits the enemy.

“Inner Beauty Blast!”

A blast of white energy comes out of her and shoots at the enemy and wraps around them, choking them.

“Beauty Star Warp!”

A long string of stars (like Venus Love Chain) comes out of her fingers and wraps around the enemy.

Background: She’s from Venus, the oldest of two kids.

Favorite Food: Chocolate

Least Favorite Food: Cabbage

Favorite School Subject: Math

Least Favorite Subject: Computers

Favorite Gem Stone: Diamond

Strengths: Helping others with boy/girl problems. Helping her mom with problems on Venus.

Weaknesses: Girls that toy with boy’s minds or vice versa.

Hobbies: Listening to her CD’s playing ‘Match Maker’ with her brother or other dateless friends.

Family: Not specified

Future Goals: To be able to have everyone find their true love.

Became a senshi: Not Specified

Personality: Loving, sweet, and curious.

Senshi's Website

By: Chrissy