Name: Lance Biggitt Sex: Male Height: Not specified Eye Color: dark brown Hair: Brown with 2 golden streaks in front Birthday: August 29th Blood type: O- Build: Not specified Unique Characteristics: Not Specified Senshi Name: Sailor Asteroid Phrase: "With the rocks of my asteroid I will crush you!" Senshi Colors: Black, brown, and gold Realm: A large asteroid the size of a moon that circles around the galaxy. Sailor Asteroid is the prince of the asteroid and he stays with the King and
Queen. Henshin Phrase: None Animal Guide: None Fuku: He has a black silk shirt, with black leather pants, and a black long overcoat,like Neo in the Matrix. Transformation: Not Specified Weapons: He has two long, curved swords, with a blade as thick as a molecule,so he can cut just about anything. Attacks: "Asteroid Rock Crusher!" When he says asteroid he raises both of his blades above him so they are touching. "Rock" A little circle of rocks form around the tip of his swords while they are still above him. "Crusher" He now
points both of his swords at his enemy, and they generate a powerful blast of electrafied rocks. It usually kills the enemy. "Energy Swords, Suck!" "Energy" he points his swords at the enemy. "Swords" They now light up and energize, and shoots a small ball of energy at the enemy. "Suck" The ball sucks up most of the enemies energy, giving sailor moon time to attack. "Quick Lash!" He runs at a very high speed towards the enemy and
slashes them with his swords. Background: Not Specifired Favorite Food: Everything Least Favorite Food: Nothing Favorite Gem Stone: Golden Orb Favorite School Subject: PE Least Favorite Subject: Everything Else Strengths: Video games, lying, and running Weaknesses: Cars *Afraid of Haruka's driving*, needles, and arguing Future Goals: To become a teacher *Likes kids* Hobbies: Trying to get with Haruka Family: His royal family is trapped in suspended animation on their asteroid, that is why he is on earth to try to look for a cure. Became a senshi: Lance was given his powers from Queen Nehelenia. But he was later turned good by Queen Serenity. Personality: A very clumbsy and ditzy, conseded. Almost seldom mean, but is known to get into arguments with Rei and Lita. Lance is also very reliable friend. By: