Sailor Distant Star

Roll Call
Otaku Senshi

Name: Ikkyoku Senbotsu, Melody of Death

Sex: Female

Height: 5'7"

Eye Color: Silver

Hair: Blonde, worn loose. It falls past her butt.

Birthday: October 30th

Blood type: B

Build: Slender, curvaceous and sensual, average strength

Unique Characteristics: She can talk to her mother, she just appears in space.

Senshi Name: Sailor Distant Star

Phrase: Changes each time

Senshi Colors: Black, Silver, and Gold

Realm: Stars, Space, and Galaxies

Henshin Phrase: Distant Star Space Power, Make-Up!

Animal Guide: None

Fuku: First off, her brooch is a heart colored gold. The bows are both silver. Her eyes and the line in her top are also silver. Her tiara gem is silver while the tiara itself is gold. Ikkyoku's earings are golden stars. Her gloves are white and the glove bands are gold. The choker is gold with a yellow star in the center. Under the skirt and on her waist band are also the color gold. Her shoes are black, the same style as SailorVenus'. On top of the skirt is black and her bodice is black too.

Transformation: She throws her hand in the air holding the henshin stick and yells,"Distant Star Space Power, Make-Up!" She appears with a white outlining and her body appears to be black with stars. A small group of red butterflies twirl around her feet and form her shoes. The view then goes next to her left shoulder, which shows butterflies surrounding her arms and forming gloves. It goes back to front view and they form a big red butterfly. It explodes and shows the rest of her fuku, not in color. Her tiara gem shines and a golden butterfly emerges from the brooch on her chest. It also explodes and color appears on her fuku. Ikkyoku opens her eyes and slightly twirls once and poses. After she stands in the pose for a few seconds, she flips her hair, puts her left hand on her hip, right hand pointer finger on her lip, and winks. Stars and planets appear behind her.

Weapons: None


Seiun Batafurai Kisu! *Galaxy Butterfly Kiss*

A picture of a galaxy appears and then Sailor Distant Star's face appears faded over it. Her eyes are closed and red butterflies flutter over her face and the galaxy. While this happens she whispers "Seiun..." and then opens her eyes. Her whole body appears over the galaxy, her arms held outward, the butterflies disappear. She holds out her arms while her hair seems to be blown by some wind and she whispers "Batafurai..." A red butterfly comes out of her chest as she whispers "Kisu!" and it flutters around her body, turning it red and sparkley. It then heals the enemy or ally. Sometimes, if she is angry, it will make the enemy explode.

Tokoyo Hoshi Bakuha! *Distant Star Explosion*

A star appears in the picture, close up. The star quickly fades out in a matter of seconds and it shows Sailor Distant Star's face. Her eyes are closed, but then she opens them. The star appears faded over her body and she yells "Tokoyo.....! Hoshi.....! BAKUHA!" The star suddenly explodes and then a burst of light hits the enemy and kills/heals it.

Tokoyo Hoshi Seiun Kusari! *Distant Star Galaxy Chain!*

Sailor Distant Star quickly yells out the attack phrase and a chain appears in her left hand. She then uses it as a whip to the the enemy, which hurts it badly. The chain looks like little galaxies hooked together. She can also use this to save allies from falling off of cliffs and such.

Seiun Bakuha! *Galaxy Explosion*

Sailor Distant Star appears with a galaxy in her hand. She then lifts both arms and the galaxy to her chest and with both hands behind the galaxy she throws it at her opponent and as they hold it she shouts "SEIUN BAKUHA!" before they can do anything but wonder what it explodes and usually kills them.

Background: She is from a VERY distant galaxy named Vesuve (Vezyv) and it was destroyed by Madame VeVe. She was set on a course to Earth.

Favorite Food: Hunan Chicken

Least Favorite Food: Caviar

Favorite Gem Stone: Ruby

Favorite School Subject: General Science

Least Favorite Subject: Everything Else

Strengths: Running, being swift

Weaknesses: Hurricanes and being alone

Future Goals: Not Known

Hobbies: Eating different kinds of foods, running, and looking at the stars

Family: Dead

Became a senshi: She was born one and given her henshin stick before she left her planet.

Personality: Friendly, smart, a bit mysterious, and sometimes mean.

Senshi's Website

By: Rini Shields