Sailor Draco

Roll Call
Otaku Senshi

Name: Curtin Kino *Curt for short*

Sex: Male

Height: 6'9"

Eye Color: Green with white wisps

Hair: Green with white and dull yellow highlights

Birthday: June 13

Blood type: O-

Build: Average, tough and wiry, heavily muscled.

Unique Characteristics: He can control thunder just like his sister Kara.

Senshi Name: Sailor Draco

Phrase: "I am the Sailor of Lighting and the planet Jupiter in the name of the sky's I will punish you."

Senshi Colors: Green, black, and light yellow

Realm: Lightning

Henshin Phrase: Draco Lightning Power!

Animal Guide: none

Fuku: Green cape going down to his ankle, the cape has a light yellow lining. He has a lighting bolt with a dragon on it on his forehead. Green combat boots with light green laces. Forest green pants. Light yellow shirt not tucked in, with no sleeves. Black belt

Transformation: Not Specified

Weapons: Lighting Rod. It's a long rod that's in the shape of a lighting bolt. It can become any length but isn't very strong.


"Lighting Shock!"

"Electric Zap!"

"Static Bounce!"

"Thunder Storm Rage!"

Background: He's the prince of Jupiter

Favorite Food: Pizza

Least Favorite Food: Broccoli

Favorite Gem Stone: Ruby

Favorite School Subject: Computers

Least Favorite Subject: Math

Strengths: Sports and Computers

Weaknesses: Theifs

Future Goals: To master the skies

Hobbies: Playing in the rain

Family: Lita, his mom, & Kara, his sister.

Became a senshi: Not Specified

Personality: Strong, tough, and sporty.

Senshi's Website

By: Chrissy