Name: Alicia Bank Sex: Female Height: 6'0" Eye Color: Black with a bit of silver Hair: Black with light grey highlights
down to her shoulders. Birthday: November 10th Blood type: AB Build: slender, tough and wiry, and well toned muscles. Unique Characteristics: She can almost disappear when she moves. She can walk into one shadow and come out a mile away. Senshi Name: Sailor Element Shadow Phrase: "I am the Sailor Element of the shadows and in the name of the dark shadow I shall wipe you out." Senshi Colors: Black, gray, silver Realm: Death, Shadows, Darkness and Destruction Henshin Phrase: Element Dark Shadow Power! Animal Guide: None Fuku: Black boots like Sailor Moon's with silver stripe at the top. Black skirt with silver stripe at bottom. Dark gray bodice. Silver bows with a
black heart brooch. Black choker. Silver gloves with dark grey puffs. Black collar with silver stripe. She sometimes wears a black see-through shall over
her shoulders. Transformation: Not Specified Weapons: Shadow Rift, sort of a orb that follows her everywhere. It's black and eats up shadows or makes them appear. Attacks: "Shadow Consume!" "Dark Figure Attack!!" "Element Shadow Darkness!" Background: She is from the Element System and is from the darkest planet, that is made up entirely of shadows. Favorite Food: Apples Least Favorite Food: Grapes Favorite Gem Stone: None Favorite School Subject: History Least Favorite Subject: Math Strengths: Darkness and Night time Weaknesses: Well lit areas Future Goals: To find a real friend Hobbies: Sulking alone Family: None Became a senshi: Born one Personality: Dark and lonely By: