Name: Mesmikha Sherit-Henut Nefer-En-Khet also called Naoru Mika Sex: Female Height: Not Specified Eye Color: Pink Hair: Red, starts out straight but goes wavy near the end. To her hips. Birthday: November 21st Blood type: O- Build: Thin yet muscular Unique Characteristics: An ankh tattoo in the small of her back. Senshi Name: Sailor Paper Meliphis Phrase: "From the days of old, worlds away, the
golden princess of a noble race has come to protect the new! In the name of the beautiful Sakhmet Meliphis, I will conquer!" Senshi Colors: Gold, blue, & green Realm: Sakhmet Meliphis, a planet on the outer rim Henshin Phrase: Sacred Meliphis Power, Make-Up! Animal Guide: A lanky black cat with bright gold eyes and Siamese-shaped eyes named Diaut-bi who has an engraved ankh on her chest. Fuku: *Look at the picture above* Transformation: "Meliphis Power, Make-Up!" - Mika says this to transform into Sailor Paper Meliphis. She holds up her scarab pendant and its wings shoot out, raining her with golden light. The light wraps around her torso and makes a golden, sleeveless leotard. The scarab's wings begin to melt and fall around her hips to make the scales of her skirt. As the last feathers fall, they are just pin feathers and make straight golden scales. The light turns blue and makes the ribbons and collar on her outfit. As she reaches up for the scarab, her headdress forms. When she finally grabs the scarab, new wings shoot out and her bracelets and arm bands are created, and her ankhs appear. She places the winged scarab on her chest and then settles into her position. Weapons: Two handheld, bejewelled daggers and the weapons listed in the attacks. Attacks: "Paper Meliphis, Rain!" Paper Meliphis puts her hands around the scarab, which opens up its insect wings and golden birds fly out and rain down upon the enemy. "Bastet Claws, Extend!" Paper Meliphis throws her head back and places her hands behind her head, touching the bastet face on her headdress. When she brings her hands back forward, her fingers have golden claws on them that she can use for close combat with enemies. "Pyramidal Ocular, Reign Down!!" She holds her hands above her head and an eye appears between them, sending blinding and burning light down on her enemy. Background: Not Specified Favorite Food: Yellow Rice with Saffron & Crunchy Shrimp Sushi. Least Favorite Food: Mushrooms Favorite Gem Stone(s): Saffire, emerald, jade, & diamond Favorite School Subject: Ancient World History Least Favorite Subject: Math and Chemistry Strengths: Language & Computers Weaknesses: Social Anxiety Future Goals: To become a renowned Linguist Hobbies: Singing opera, watching anime, blaring cutesy j-pop, cooking, & playing computer games. Family: Parents Itset and Leilah Nefer-en-Khet. Mika also has a little sister named Maetimy, but she is called Kimae by her classmates. And she's in Hotaru's grade. Became a senshi: Mika's parents travelled to Egypt and brought home a baby kitten that they found while on a pyramid tour. As the kitten grew into a cat, an ankh developed on her chest. One day, Mika stroked the ankh and the room filled with golden light. A golden scarab appeared on her desk and she looked at it. the wings of it opened and she heard a voice telling her to yell "Sacred Meliphis Power, Make-Up!" Personality: A very sweet and loving girl, but she is painfully shy. She feels safe only around her family and friends that she has had for a very long time. By:
Micah Lang