Sailor StarDust

Roll Call
Otaku Senshi

Name: Nyla

Sex: Female

Height: 5'10" (6'5" in senshi form)

Eye Color: Green

Hair: Long, black with silver streaks

Birthday: Novemember 11th

Blood type: A

Build: slender,curvaceous, and sensual; average strength

Unique Characteristics: Left ear pierced

Senshi Name: Sailor StarDust

Phrase: "I am Sailor StarDust, champion of the lonely! On behalf of good taste, I will not have a long and cheesy speech!"

Senshi Colors: Silver, teal, and black

Realm: Mystical Dream type powers, Space, & Time

Henshin Phrase: StarDust Crystal Power! Makeup!

Animal Guide: A silver tabby named Star. Star is very intelligent. Her sweetness and innocence makes her the perfect partner for Sailor StarDust. However despite her innocence she isn't quite as naive as Sailor StarDust.

Fuku: Silver skirt, collar, choker, brooch, & glovebands; teal bows; teal gemstone in a silver tiara; Silver thigh high boots.

Transformation: Not Specified

Weapons: Star Staff: It's a sliver staff (about 3'5" tall) with a 3D-ish looking star on top. It is used for her attack "Shooting Star" which shoots out stars from the 3D-ish star.; Comet Staff: It's very similar to the Star Staff that she uses but instead of a star being at the top it's a crystal ball inside it looks like there is a comet in it. It is used for her "Shooting Comet" attack.; Star Sword: It's 6'5 tall and has a star at the end of the handle.


"Shooting Star!"

She starts out by holding her Star Staff in front of her and then she says "Shooting Star Attack!" it shoots out lots of stars & it attacks multiple or single enimies.

"Shooting Comet!"

This attack is similar to the Shooting Star attack except she says "Shooting Comet Attack!" it shoots out multiple comets & it attacks multiple or single enimies.

"Star Freeze Attack!"

An attack which freezes her opponent in place, giving her the chance to beat them up a little. Fortunately, she's good at hand-to-hand combat.

"Star Flaming Punch!"

Her right hand is surrounded by a flame while she holds her staff in her off-hand. Causes a very painful albeit not very effective burn wound on the enemy.

"Comet Mist"

She fills the area with a black mist. The only effective way to attack in this is to either be well-versed in blind-fighting or have the ability to see in the dark. The mist dampens both of these abilities. Those born of the darkness, however, are unaffected by it.

"StarDust Shine Spin!!"

Sailor StarDust twirls around pointing one foot (left foot) out to the side, forming a teal circle around herself, then she brings her foot up knee high, with her holding her star crystal. She spins rapidly sending a blast of teal energy and glitter out. The energy covers a varying radius depending on how long she spins and how much energy she has. This energy will dust an enemy while leaving allies unharmed.

Background: Growing up she only had one friend. Until she was 13, she was a loner (and still is). When her little sister was born, she was jealous cause Krystal got all the attetion. She lived in USA until she found out she was a Sailor Senshi. She lives with Yaten, Taiki, & Seiya.

Favorite Food: Pizza

Least Favorite Food: Vegetables

Favorite Gem Stone: Diamond

Favorite School Subject: Music and Art

Least Favorite Subject: Everything else

Strengths: Musically talented, Good Fighter, listening, singing, dancing, & making good decisions (except when it comes to men).

Weaknesses: Klutzy, A sucker for hot guys, Kinda bossy, Bugs, Dark, Snakes, Thunderstorms, caring about others to much, & being unable to face her fears and problems.

Future Goals: To record an album that goes diamond, and find true love.

Hobbies: Singing, Dancing, Playing the drums and guitar, drawing, painting, & playing on the computer.

Family: Little Sister Krystal (Boyfriend is Yaten Kou); Best Friends: Krystal, Yaten, Mandy, Trista, Amara, Michelle, Chibi Chibi, Taiki, & Seiya.

Became a senshi: Always been one

Personality: She likes children. She hardly gets upset. She is loved (in a friend way) by everyone that knows her. She treats others the way she would like to be treated. She is very shy. Kinda competitive. She goes for the "bad boy" type of guys. She loves being a Sailor Scout. When she is mad she usually hits a wall instead of hurting someone. When she is sad she likes to be alone cause she hates to show her emotions. She loves animals especially cats. She likes people until they cross her. She is very serious when she needs to be. She has a sick/weird sense of humor.

Senshi's Website

By: Sailor StarDust