Sailor Star Lover

Roll Call
Otaku Senshi

Name: Lina Mitsukai

Sex: Female (At all times, doesn‘t look like a guy!)

Height: A little shorter then Yaten

Eye Color: Crystal Blue

Hair: Blonde

Birthday: May 10th

Blood type: O

Build: Not Specified

Unique Characteristics: Clumsy, blonde, and weird.

Senshi Name: Sailor Star Lover

Phrase: Forgot

Senshi Colors: Pink and red

Realm: Forgot

Henshin Phrase: Lover Star Power, Makeup!!

Animal Guide: A pink kitten named Iris with red four-petal flower on forehead.

Fuku: Like the other senshi’s, just she has a very short bodice that stops after her breasts. This reveals her stomach.

Transformation: PINK...and pretty...Lina has angel wings at one point in the transformation, but can get them back or they can go away.

Weapons: A staff, gold with a heart: Inside can hold her 'heart' crystal with a ball on top with a 8 point star.


“Heart daggers!”

“Star Heart Chain!”


She passes out.


She passes out again. She keeps passing out for a few times after this.


On the 8th time saying it, her crystal could shatter. If it does she dies.

Background: She used to be a princess, but her planet was destroyed, all except her.

Favorite Food: Sweets

Least Favorite Food: Mushrooms

Favorite School Subject: Art

Least Favorite Subject: Math

Favorite Gem Stone: Emerald

Strengths: Soccer and standing up for people.

Weaknesses: Telling the truth

Hobbies: Soccer and Drawing.

Family: They all died

Future Goals: To find true love and to be a manga writer/drawer

Became a senshi: Always been one

Personality: Nice, temper, funny and weird, clumsy and air headed.

By: Lina