Sailor Spirit

Roll Call
Otaku Senshi

Name: Riyal

Sex: Female

Height: 5'4"

Eye Color: Brown

Hair: Short and white

Birthday: October 23rd

Blood type: A-

Build: Slender, tough and wiry, & heavily muscled.

Unique Characteristics: She is mysterious

Senshi Name: Sailor Spirit

Phrase: "Spirit? Soul? Whats the difference?? Whatever I'm still going to kick your butt!"

Senshi Colors: Grey and all shades of purple

Realm: Souls and Purple Flames

Henshin Phrase: Spirit Andromeda Power!

Animal Guide: Kit-Kat, A grey little kitty with violet eyes and a gold triforce*Legend of Zelda* with purple fames surrounding it in the middle of her forehead.

Fuku: She has a white body suit, her chocker is purple, her tiara is gold with a purple gem in the middle of it, her gloves are short *Like sailor Uranus's and Neptune's* and the trim of the gloves is purple. Ser front bow is purple with a grey gem in the middle of the bow. Sailor Spirit's back bow is grey along with skirt being grey with a black trim around it. Her earings are gold pearls her boots are grey too.

Transformation: She holds out her hands to the side and grey rain starts to fall as they touch her her body starts to glow white then she is in her fuku

Weapons: Soul Sword is like Uranus's Sword only that Spirits is longer and just pure gold, the handle is silver though.


"Fire Soul Sword!!"

Purple fire surrounds her sword and she then jams it into the ground making the fire hit her enemy.

"Spirit Power!"

Grey spirits attack her enemy.

"Super Andromeda Power!"

She transforms into Super Sailor Spirit.


A purple flame protects her and her friends.

"Soul Sword Forever!!!"

The sword goes into her body, actully through her body, and fights by itself with no aid but this kills Sailor Spirit.

"Eternal Spirit Power!!!"

She transforms into Eternal Sailor Spirit.

"Fire Bomb!"

Exactly how it sounds...^^

"Eternal Wings!"

Spirit wings come out of her wings and attack the enemy.

"Spirit Princess Power!!!"

She yells this and transforms into Princess Spirit.


Her body glows completely grey and she floats in the air until the power releases out of her crystal.

Background: Her parents died by a freak acident when she was 5 and she was adopted when she was 8 and now she is 16 she hates her adopted family except her little borther.

Favorite Food: Sandwiches

Least Favorite Food: Meatloaf

Favorite School Subject: P.E.

Least Favorite Subject: Algebra

Favorite Gem Stone: Emerald

Strengths: Fighting, cooking, and boxing

Weaknesses: Anyone in need of help.

Hobbies: Cooking, reading, playing video games, and boxing

Family: Naiya (her real mother), Miltilda (her step mother), Chris (her real father), James (her step father) and Jhonny (her little brother).

Future Goals: To become a great artist.

Became a senshi: Past: She wanted to help her new friend save her kingdom (Princess Moon) Present: She was walking home one day and saw that Sailor Moon and the senshi needed help, so she tried to distract the monster. She ended up only to get pushed into a car when she was about to get up her cat, Kit-Kat, started talking to her and said," You are the scout of the Spirit planet." and then the story falls down hill form there.

Personality: She is very mysterious she doesn't like the Inner Senshi much. She doesn't really care for the Outer Senshi either, she can be mean sometimes but its only to hide her true feelings and she hasn't cryied since she was 5 until she met Sailor Moon & Kit-Kat. Riyal also gets into a lot of fights with guys and girls alike

Senshi's Website

By: Jamie