Sailor Thunder Tiger

Roll Call
Otaku Senshi

Name: Tigra

Sex: Male

Height: 4'12"

Eye Color: White

Hair: Black and White *fur*

Birthday: December 12th

Blood type: A+

Build: A strong build for a tiger

Unique Characteristics: He's a tiger only loyal to the sailor scouts, espially Makoto.

Senshi Name: Sailor Thunder Tiger

Phrase: "With my powerful claws I will scratch you up into little pieces!"

Senshi Colors: Black and White

Realm: Earth

Henshin Phrase: None. He can use his powers at random.

Animal Guide: None, he is one!

Fuku: Black and White *he doesn't trasnform, just stays as a tiger.*

Transformation: Not Specified

Weapons: None


"Power Claw!"

He holds his claw up and shoots a beam at the enemy. Right before it hits the enemy it disappears and reappeares inside the enemy and explodes.

"Tiger Laser!"

This is a simple attack. He just shoots a powerful fast and deadly beam out of his eyes towards the enemy.

"Poison Bite!"

This attack happenes when he opens his mouth and shoots millions of needles out. If even one of these needles hit the enemy they would instantly die.

"Tiger Teleportation"

This power is only used to get from the zoo to where ever Makoto is.

Background: He was the pet of Prince Endymion but was poisoned and was in a deep sleep for thousands of years until the strong energy vibrations of the evil Princess Alice woke him up. He was under ground when he woke up and had to dig his way to the top. At the time he did not remember he was a super tiger so when he digged all the way to the top he got stuck in a trap set in a near by forest. That is how Makoto found him and she helped him out. Later when luna first saw him she sensed that he had secret powers so she told Sailor Moon to bring them out with her powers. And that is how Tigra met the sailor scouts.

Favorite Food: Tuna Fish

Least Favorite Food: None

Favorite Gem Stone: Ruby

Favorite School Subject: Doesn't go to school

Least Favorite Subject: Doesn't go to school

Strengths: Keeping order at the zoo he lives in. (Everybody at the zoo knows he's a super tiger)

Weaknesses: Love

Future Goals: To become human

Hobbies: Helping Makoto

Family: Doesn't know

Became a senshi: Prince Endymion gave him his powers, Sailor Moon brought them back when he lost them.

Personality: Tough and animal like. But kind and human like towards friends.

By: Dee