Sailor Warrior Darkness

Roll Call
Otaku Senshi

Name: Somalia Mu'min

Sex: Female

Height: 5'11"

Eye Color: Brown

Hair: Purple and long

Birthday: May 27th

Blood type: A+

Build: Slender, sensual, curvacious build.

Unique Characteristics: Somalia can fly

Senshi Name: Sailor Warrior Darkness

Phrase: "I am the warrior of darkness and I will destroy you with my Dark Sphere!"

Senshi Colors: Purple, blue, red, & gold.

Realm: Good and Darkness

Henshin Phrase: Dark Beauty power!

Animal Guide: None

Fuku: An armor like fuku that has long armor like boots that are silver, with gold knee pads, & silver underwear. She also has silver metalic wings that have gold and red on them. Somalia's bra is silver too.

Transformation: Not Specified

Weapons: Dark Sphere: A two sided sword that's white and has a handle in the middle.


"Sphere Slash!"

She runs toward the enemy at a very high speed and slashes them with her dark sphere.

"Storming Flower!"

She holds her hand out and when she says storming a ball of gray light forms. When she says "Flower!" it turns into a very powerful hyperbeam.

"Deadly Boomerang!"

She flies into the air and throws her sphere at the enemy it literally cuts the enemy in half and returns to Somalia.

"Spiral Disaster!!"

She flies into the air and produces a black ball of spiral energy. The ball then shoots out millions of small black balls.

Background: She is the one who fought Angel's mother, but she is not the warrior of darkness everybody is talking about. Somalia thought Angel's mother was the warrior of darkness so Somalia wanted to see if that was true. It wasn't, Somalia now thinks the warrior of darkness and the warrior of light are both hiding on earth. The exodia armor is also on earth too. That is why the warrior scouts came to earth, to find all of these things.

Favorite Food: Rice

Least Favorite Food: Sushi

Favorite Gem Stone: Cryptonite

Favorite School Subject: Math

Least Favorite Subject: Reading

Strengths: Flying, fighting, and making friends.

Weaknesses: Resisting a challenge.

Future Goals: To find what she is looking for on Earth.

Hobbies: Looking for the two fighting warriors that hide on earth, and looking for the exodia armor along with the rest of the power armors.

Family: None, but she stays with Minako and Mamma

Became a senshi: Born one

Personality: Head strong, friendly, strong, and confident.

By: Dee