Sailor Yahsa & Demon Kaji

Roll Call
Otaku Senshi

Name: Taenu, Oniko

Sex: Female

Height: She was 5'4" originally, but when she and Kaji came together, she became 5'7"

Eye Color: Russet

Hair: Black and kept back with a red-ish headband.

Birthday: November 1st

Age: 17

Blood type: AB

Build: Slender, curvaceous and sensual, and heavily muscled.

Unique Characteristics: Because of Kaji, Oniko can change her appearance to match the native peoples of wherever she is.

Senshi Name: Sailor Yasha & Demon Kaji

Phrase: “By the powers of Hell, we will punish you!”

Senshi Colors: Both Demon Kaji and Sailor Yasha have black and gray as their colors, but Sailor Yasha has red in it while Demon Kaji has mauve.

Realm: Death, with powers coming from Destruction

Henshin Phrase: Female Demon Power! Makeup!

Animal Guide: Oniko doesn’t have a guide, but she calls Kaji her guide because Kaji's protected her since they met.

Fuku: Both Sailor Yasha and Demon Kaji have black capes and boots and gray gloves. Sailor Yasha's dress is red while Demon Yasha's is mauve.

Transformation: When Oniko yells her Henshin Yo, Kaji comes out of her body. They both are engulfed in black light and, suddenly, like a star burst, they are in their fuku's. Their two capes fly towards them and cover their outfits while its hood covers their faces.

Weapons: Demon Kaji has a sythe. It's as tall as she is and the pole is black.


“Yasha Demon Ball!!”

Sailor Yasha creates a large ball of energy and throws it at the enemy.

“Scythe Throw!!”

Demon Kaji throws her Scythe at the enemy, usually aiming at his head.

“Double Demon Fang!!”

Both Demon Kaji and Sailor Yasha power up, creating an immense ball of energy. They carefully aim it at the enemy and let it go.

Background: Oniko was the youngest child of 5. Her parents left her and her siblings at an orphanage. Oniko had a problem with being noticed, so when she met Kaji, Kaji promised that, if she could stay in Oniko's body, then Oniko would be the prettiest girl wherever she went.

Favorite Food: Rice

Least Favorite Food: Honey

Favorite School Subject: Biology

Least Favorite Subject: Latin

Favorite Gem Stone: Sapphire

Strengths: Controlling her own body

Weaknesses: Talking about Kaji in front of people

Hobbies: Arts & Crafts

Family: 4 Siblings

Future Goals: To become a zoo keeper

Became a senshi: Kaji had a star seed that melted with Oniko's pure-heart, so now Oniko becomes a senshi and Kaji gets out of her body for awhile

Personality: Oniko is very shy and not usually outspoken but when she's controlled by Kaji, she's very outgoing and much more strong-minded.

By: Groovystar