Shinzui's Note

Otaku Senshi

I made the Otaku Senshi section with Shizui's permission, for proof, here is what the whole e-mail said

"Dear Shinzui, Hi it's me Rini/ChibiUsa again! ^-^ In a few months or so I am going to make a section on my senshi that I made with the help of your site, and I was wondering if I could let others submit their senshi stats to my site too. I wouldnt copy anything from your site, just put mine up and make fanfics of her and such. I wouldnt have the detailed pages on everything. And I would deeply credit you and your site. I understand if you say no because you originated it. Oh yeah, my senshi's name is Sailor Distant Star. I haven't started to make it because I was going to ask you first, to get your permittion. I sent this to you in an e-mail because I didnt think that others would be able to answer this... -_- lol So what I am basically asking is can I let others submit their senshi *its like the rocall, only not...O_o* stats to my site? I will credit you if you say yes. Ok, Im sure your busy, so see ya later! ^_^ -Rini"

And then she replied back with a *short* e-mail

"*nods* Yes, you may...thanks so much for asking! *hugs*

Be well...

~Shinzui "

So HA! dont have any reasons to e-mail me saying that I stole this and that...because I got her permission..i spelled it wrong up there bcuz I was in a hurry, but anyways...So, there you go! Of course I have to explain everything so my e-mail was long...Back to Otaku Senshi!