Name: Constance Jackson Sex: Female Height: 5'9" Eye Color: Gray Hair: Gray Birthday: December 31st Blood type: AB+ Build: Slender curvacious, sensual, and above average strength Unique Characteristics: She can fly Senshi Name: Warrior Twin Alpha Phrase: "I am the beginning of the end, so expect your world to be destroyed." Senshi Colors: Black and white Realm: Evil Henshin Phrase: Transforms at will Animal Guide: None Fuku: Looks just like Sailor White Ice's, but her fuku is covered with black stripes. Transformation: Not Specified Weapons: Twin Staff Alpha. A long white staff that is covered with black stripes, at the top there are four long curved spikes sitting across from each other. They can penetrate almost anything. Attacks: "Alpha Beam!" She flies in the air and points her staff at the enemy, it collects energy and realeses a powerful and lethal black and white beam. "Terra Quake BLASTER!" She sticks her staff in the ground and it produces an underground shock wave that can create deep canyons and caverns, she can even make the blast powerful enough to destroy planets. "Hellish Disaster!!" Her staff produces an energy field fire around her and then it expands rapidly and incenerates everything around her exept her comrads. "Spell Revival!" When the sun and the moon come across each other and all of the needed energy has been collected in her staff she chants a spell to bring her brother back alive. When he is alive the final stage of Karismas plan will come into effect and the earth will be doomed. Background: Warrior Twin Alpha has a brother named Omega who was killed by Karisma, but Alpha was told she had killed himself, but she was really caught off gaurd and poisoned by Karisma. When Alpha suggested that Karisma's plan would work better if Omega was alive Karisma gave Alpha a spell that would bring Omega alive again. But what Alpha dosen't know is that the spell also drains Omega's energy so that Karisma is still a tiny bit stronger than him. Favorite Food: Never been seen eating Least Favorite Food: Never been seen eating Favorite Gem Stone: Destruction Stone Favorite School Subject: Math Least Favorite Subject: History Strengths: Being popular Weaknesses: Being easily manupilated by Karisma. Future Goals: To see her brother again Hobbies: Trying to remember her brother. Family: To see her brother again. Became a senshi: Always been on Personality: Very popular, yet b*tchy and mean. EXTRA: Alpha and Omega are stronger than Karisma but they don't know it, that's why Karisma secretly hindered their powers with spells.