Warrior Beauty

Roll Call
Otaku Senshi

Name: Courtney Littlefield

Sex: Female

Height: 5'9"

Eye Color: Hot Pink

Hair: Hot Pink

Birthday/Age: Thousands of years old

Blood type: No specific type, but her blood is pink.

Build: Slender and curvacious

Unique Characteristics: She has been called the most beautiful woman in the universe and most of her powers were created by jealousy of the people more prettier than her.

Senshi Name: Warrior Beauty

Phrase: Changes each time

Senshi Colors: Hot pink and black

Realm: Evil

Henshin Phrase: Tranforms at will

Animal Guide: None

Fuku: It looks exactly like Wicked Lady's and actually the Doom Phantom made the Wicked Lady's dress like that because he had once saw Warrior Beauty and he wanted Rini to look just as beautiful.

Transformation: Not Specified

Weapons: Beauty Mirror. A small black mirror that holds tremendous powers way more powerful than Sailor Neptune's mirror. This mirror can also turn into the beauty sword a long and powerful sword.


"Deadly Beauty Attack!"

She holds her mirror towards the enemy and then it releases a huge beam of power acid that literally melts the enemy.

"Mirror Trap!"

She holds her mirror towards the enemy than the mirror uses a powerful suction force that traps the enemy in the mirror and than kills it.

"Beauty Shock Wave!"

Her mirror produces a very powerful shockwave that can oblitherate anything.

"Beauty Swipe!"

Her mirror transforms into the beauty sword and she runs toward the enemy and do a fury attack.

"Beauty Sword Oblitherate!!!"

She holds her sword in the air and then a bolt of pink lightning hits it. She then holds it at the enemy and the powered up sword releases an potent pink lightning attack.

Background: She is one of Karisma's warriors and they came to earth to destroy Sailor Moon and the scouts, and to take over the universe.

Favorite Food: never been seen eating anything

Least Favorite Food: Never been seen eating anything

Favorite Gem Stone: Dark Crystal

Favorite School Subject: She's a super model, she doesn't go to school

Least Favorite Subject: She's a super model, she doesn't go to school

Strengths: Beauty

Weaknesses: Pimples

Future Goals: To be the Epitome of Beauty.

Hobbies: Helping people look beautiful, and finding ways to destroy the scouts.

Family: Her and her comrads pretend to be Karisma's children on earth.

Became a senshi: Always been one

Personality: Very energetic, friendly, easy to find friends, but in warrior form she is a totally mean.

By: Dee