Name: John Cooper Sex: Male Height: 5'12" Eye Color: Red Hair: Red Birthday/Age: Thousands of years old Blood type: B Build: Muscular Build Unique Characteristics: He can fly Senshi Name: Warrior Destruction Phrase: Changes each time Senshi Colors: Red and black Realm: Evil Henshin Phrase: Transforms at will Animal Guide: None Fuku: Looks just like Warrior Tri Star's, but the coat is red, pants are red, and the shirt is black. Transformation: Not Specified Weapons: Destruction Staff. A black body length staff that has a small power ball of energy with 2 rings around it floating at the top. Attacks: "EXPLOSION BEAM!" He floats in the air then points his staff down at the enemy and it produces a beam that can be powerful enough to destroy very small planets like pluto or any moon. "Ground Explosion!" His staff shoots an energy ball in the ground and without being seen it heads towards the enemy and when the power ball is directly under the enemy it creates this huge explosion, that usually kills or harms the enemy very badly. "Destructive Minions!!" His staff produces many small power based creatures that have the power to destroy everything in site. "Destructive Acid!" He opens up his mouth and a beam of acid comes out that will melt anything. Background: His background is the same as the other Warriors. Favorite Food: Never been seen eating Least Favorite Food: Never been seen eating Favorite Gem Stone: Not Specified Favorite School Subject: Chemistry Least Favorite Subject: Math Strengths: Destroying things Weaknesses: Putting them back together Future Goals: To be Karisma's right hand man Hobbies: Looking for people to pick on Family: Pretends to be Karisma's child on Earth Became a senshi: Always been one Personality: mean, a big bully, but without his tough outer personality his
feelings can easily be hurt. By: