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Annie's Personal Page

daisyPath Anniversary

Hello!!! Thank you for stopping in to see my page. My name is Anne-Marie, a lot of my friends call me Annie for short. Telling about yourself is harder than you may think, but I gave this my best shot.

First of all, being a mother of 5 young girls has been the joy of my life. Watching them grow and being involved with their lives is what keeps me going. Sure it can be "insane" around here at times with how busy it gets, but the memories we are creating are happy ones. I am a Girl Scout Leader this year for a Daisy Troop and a Brownie Troop. I love being a leader and helping out these girls who are so excited to learn and do things. Last year I was also a leader for a Junior Troop, but this year because of my baby being born, I stepped down, yet still go to the meetings for support of my two oldest. I have done and still working on web pages so others can see what all we do in Girl Scouts. I could write forever about the girls here, so if you would like to see the sites, just email me at and I will give you the addresses.

Ever since I was 6 years old I have wanted to write. Yet, over the years, I have "chickened out" of sending in anything that I have written. Lately, I have been getting that "itch" again and decided that I am going to finally try to write a book. My main goal right now is learning exact sign language. I would love to become a certified interperter for the deaf. I am working with one girl who is deaf now and learning a lot from her.

Other than writing, I enjoy cooking and baking, helping out at the school my girls go to, playing sports, working on crafts, doing animal twist balloons, teaching, and being with my kids.

One thing I enjoy doing is working on the computer and doing homepages and web designs. I would love to create websites for others (as a business) with all that I have learned, but the competition out there I will admit scares me since I do not have a degree.

At home, I homeschool my daughter, Jessica and really love doing that. We have grown very close to eachother and have experienced so much more than I think we would have if not having the time together. Then there is Brianna that I am taking care of and my heart melts with each smile she gives. She has had a rough start in life (see her page to find out more), but is worth each worry that passes me by. We wanted 5 kids before Steve and I got married so now I feel my life is complete!

Below the yellow roses, you will find some of my favorite things. I had trouble thinking up anymore, so if you should have any suggestions, please feel free to comment. Along with that, I have link below of my friends. In there you will find my friend's names and a description of them. I hope that you have enjoyed my page!


Favorite Color: Yellow

Favorite Number: 8 or 18

Favorite Foods: Italian or Chinese

Favorite Drink: Hot apple cider

Favorite Flower: Yellow Roses

Favorite Season: End of spring/begining of summer

Favorite Songs: Annie's Song (John Denver) & Everything I Do I Do It For You (Bryan Adams)

Meet My Friends


Brownie Troop 337

Daisy Troop 711


