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Cassandra's Personal Page

Hello! My name is Cassandra, but my friends call me Cassie. I am 8 years old. My birthday is March 1, 1998. I have dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. My mom calls me "Squirrely" because I remind her of the commercial on tv where the squirrel runs in front of a car, moving just in time, while the car crashes, then does a handjive with another squirrel.

I am now in 3rd grade and play softball, soccer and basketball. Soccer is my favorite to play.

I like to play on the computer (mainly on Webkinz, Club Penguin and Riding Star), play outdoors, ride my bike, skate, go hiking with my family, and playing with my friends.

My mom has built a fun page for my page and I can't wait to play with it! I hope you like it too! I have to go now. Bye!

Cassie's Fun Page

For My Cassie

