In Fuzzy We Trust....(he's a fuzzball)
Welcome to the Fuzzball Page! The totally insane place where you can laugh as loudly and as insanely as you want!!! BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!! And if I don't make you laugh, then you can send me an angry email with many, many curse words on it.

3/1/00 UPDATE!!!!! My leg hurts. There! There's your DAMN update!!!

I UPDATED FOR ONCE!!!!!!!!! It's 3/18. Hey, Laura! My computer is down, so I can't make or access my fuzzy pics and stuff. I'm still updating on other computers, though. I'm thinking of making sister sites for Wicca and my Team Rocket pics and fanfics. I also updated the You know you like Fuzzy too much when...Well, gotta go.

3/20 Update- New link on my Links page!!! (where else?)

Also, coming soon: A new feature that has absolutely nothing to do with fuzzballs....Lunch!! You'll see. I also make custom fuzzballs. As in anime characters, certain color, etc. Email me and I'll make one. I have a lot of work to do on this site.

3-24 I got my webring up!! If you want to join, email me. I don't care who joins or not, I just think that's a pretty picture. I also started working on "Lunch". And I added to my "Porn" site.

3-27 New Section- Odd Stuff!!! It's not really fuzzball stuff, It's just odd, humorous stuff that me and my friends do. Visit it!!! Also, I joined a thing where I get money every time someone clicks on an ad on my website. The ads are on my links page. So help Fuzzy out and click on one!! Who knows, maybe you'll find something useful, like a real porn site. 3-29 New Section- Games!!! Two cute little games that were "personally approved by Fuzzy". And I joined a Smartclicks thing where I get credits that boost my site when someone clicks on the banner. Then more people can come to it!! Yaaaaay!! Fuzzy just got happy!!!!

3-30 MY GODS!!! DAILY UPDATES!! I got a - no, not a guestbook, but a FUZZbook!!! Sign it, please, or Fuzzy will get sad and start crying....and Fuzzy's friend, Fuzzo will get angry and chop you into little bits with his scythe...and you wouldn't like that, would you? No, you wouldn't. So SIGN THE FUZZbook!!!

3-31 Hmm...this page is getting crowded. I should probably put up a rant section in the odd stuff section and just use this page for updates. I did already put up a new section, however....COMICS!!! I got flamed on my Team Rocket fanfics because the girl don't like sexual innuendoes or sexual jokes of any kind. I mean, c'mon!! It's not like any of 'em are explicit Hentai!! Anyway...I will put up some other page for that, but not now.

4-1 I regret to inform you that the Fuzzball page is going to be shut down. Seems I made all too many so-called "suggestive things" on my website, so sometime in this month, this site will be no more. I also lost my dear fuzzball to the vaccuum cleaner. I hope that this site has made you laugh and cry, and I hope that I have brightened your day or touched your life in some way with this page. I bid you all farewell. And for those of you who are feeling sad and removing my page from your favorites menu, I have two words.....April Fools!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!! Oh my gods!!! I can't believe you fell for that, you moron!!!! Yeah, like this page would be shut down. And do you think I'd be THAT careless with Fuzzy? Jeez, what a bunch of gullible fools you are.

4-3 Hi. I just got a new thing that lets you reccommend my page to your friends. Try it!!! It's called Pass Gas and it's on the very bottom of this page.

4-4 I made a new comic.

4-5 Gomen, every1. I didn't even upload the comic yet. I have a habit of putting the update up and then there goes my computer. I'll put it up today. And lookie!! I repalaced the craptacular Angelfire counters with better ones!! The stupid counters didn't even work! So I got a FastCounter. Check it out!! It's accurate!!!

4-6 I made a sister site for all my Team Rocket stuff. Visit it here. It's under construction, but I at least have my spoof section up. It's basically where I put up the screenshots of them that I have put funny captions on. And I have a new section! Go see it yourself!! It'll keep you amused for hours!!!

4-7 The new section is now up and so is the comic. I'm also going to try and put up my fanfics, once I learn the HTML.

4-8 I got my fanfics up!! See, I'm not so dumb after all. I figured out how!! Now I can submit my TR site to different webrings!! Yaaay!! I'm moving on up!!! I'm so happy now!!! Oh, and yes, Keiran, I'll try to do more on Lunch.

4-9 I did a lot more on Lunch. And I put up a banner to my sister site on the bottom of this page. And I put the button on my Links page.

4-18 Haven't done anything to this site in a while. I mean, what is there to do? I'll get around to finishing Lunch. I did do a rant about bendy pencils and such. Funny. It's in the "odd stuff" section. I did make a new sister site for Wicca. Check it out!

10-27-00- Hellos!! It's been a while, hasn't it? I gots AOL now!! ^_^ hee hee!!! I changed the sound!! It's not the Hampster dance anymore!!! It's my own personal recording! I gots a mic on my pooter now!! Wai Wai!!!

5-17-01-'s been such a while...damn...... Well I'm gonna update you peoples! Here's my new email addy! It's also my S/N, too! IM me if you want! I'm online 24/7 and I'm actually kind of lonely...::wolf howls in the distance:: ;.;.....

5-19-01- I added some new graphics...This page is becoming mostly HTML...

This --The Insane Fuzzball Ring-- site owned by --Shoujo--.
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Visit my Sister Site, Rubies and Tanzanites! Another Team Rocket Shrine!!!

Pass Gas!!!
get this gear!

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