You know you like Fuzzy too much when...

1. You burst into maniacal laughter during the day without reason.
2. You don't care that people are staring at you while you laugh.
3. You can't stop laughing and eventually people leave the room.
4. You walk in the woods, just searching for brown, fuzzy, spherical objects.
5. You call yourself Shoujo. Or Shounen if you're a boy.
6. You like to make webpages about nonsense.
7. You rave on and on about the music and, and you memorize it and hum it incessantly to annoy people.
8. You are annoyed by the fact that you can't change typos and/or spelling errors on other people's websites.
9. You have clicked on my FREE PORN link many, many times in hopes of getting some.
10. You have lost your sane mind.
11. You go outside and call your sane mind at night.
12. Your sane mind doesn't come home.
13. You actually tried to go to www.whatthef* after watching Dennis Leary.
14. You go to a craft store and buy little pom-poms and insist that they are fuzzballs and they can talk.
15. You try to talk to the pom-poms.
16. The pom-poms don't talk back.
17. You soda does, however. It talks to you through carbonation. You know, the bubbles popping.
18. You get annoyed of the soda's little "language" and drink it all just to shut it up.

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