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A Day With Chris

I was listening to the radio one day when I heard that my favorite music group NSYNC would be coming to my town for a concert, the local radio station was giving away tickets and backstage passes to the first twenty-five people to call in when a small bit of the newest NSYNC single was played.I was the last and final winner.

The day of the concert two of my friends and I arrived at the concert venue in plenty of time for the "meet and greet" which was a part of our ticket package. We were barely able to contain our excitement over the fact that we would soon be meeting the members of NSYNC in just a few moments. All of the sudden, there they were, Chris, JC, Joey, Lance, and Justin right in front of us. I actually got to speak with my favorite member, Chris and boy was I nervous but I tried not to show it. Before I knew it I was talking with Chris as if we had known each other our whole lives.

About 45 minutes later the guys had to leave so they could get ready for the show. Chris and I had exchanged phone numbers and agreed to get together and hang out the next time the group was in the area. A little over three weeks later Mandi, Lourena, and I were hanging out at my house listening to the newest NSYNC album when my phone rang. I answered the phone,"Hello?" The voice on the other end asked,"Could I speak with Stacey?" "This is Stacey speaking, how can I help you?" "Hi Stacey, this is Chris. We were in town and I was wondering if you were interested in getting together and doing something." It took me a few minutes to get over my shock enough to say"Sure I would love to."

I gave Chris directions to my house and informed him that I would be ready to leave whenever he showed up at my house. After hanging up with Chris,I turned to Mandi and Lourena and said,"I just made a date with Chris Kirkpatrick of NSYNC." They almost died, then asked me when I was going on this date. I told them that we were getting together the next day. I agonized for an hour on what I was going to wear then finally ended up choosing a pair of faded jean shorts and a FU-MAN SKEETO t-shirt that I figured would work for just about anything a guy as unpredictable as Chris could think of.

When Chris arrived at my house the next morning he asked,"Do you have anything in mind for today?" I said,"Yea, but it's a bit of a surprise."I was taking him someplace that he would never expect to go on a date........CEDAR POINT. (a local amusement park) Once Chris realized where we were headed, he asked how I decided on that particular amusement park. I told him that I had read in an interview he had stated that he enjoyed riding roller coasters,and I thought it would be a fun way to spend the day.

Chris said that he was impressed with my ingenuity for the date. We entered the park and hit as many of the roller coasters and stage shows that we could fit into one day. On our way back to my house from the park Chris and I talked about our friends, family, and about the group. I asked him about his favorite moments on tour and what his favorite city that he had been to was. All to soon we were back at my house and it was time for the most wonderful day I had ever had to come to an end. Chris and I promised that we would try keeping in touch with each other. Before leaving Chris gave me a very sweet kiss on the cheek and said,"Good Night." I replied,"Good Night to you" and watched as he got into the car that would take him back to the rest of the group.I watched until his car disappeared from my sight, then went into my house to prepare for bed and to dream about the next time I would get to hang out with the one and only Chris Kirkpatrick.

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