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Chapter Six

I spent the day by myself. JC went into the studio to record the back up singers on “Oops…I Did It Again.” I spent time at different stores and bought some new outfits.

I was already asleep when JC came in. “Hey beautiful,” he said and kissed me on the lips.

“Hi,” I said and turned to face him, “what took you so long?”

“They were off key most of the time,” he said, playing with my hair, ”I need the best for my baby.”

I smiled at his tactics, “Aren’t you tired?”

“Nope,” he smiled devilishly.

“Really,” I questioned with a smirk.

He kissed me on the lips with those soft, delicate lips of his and wrapped his arms around me. “I could stay like this forever,” he muffled into my neck.



I pulled off his shirt and ran my hands across his muscular chest. I looked up at him and he was already asleep with a smile apparent on his face. I lay down onto his chest and snuggled close to him.

The next morning, I awoke to find myself alone. I got up and got dressed. I looked around for a note or something that JC left for me to know where he was, but nothing showed up. I looked at the clock and decided to head to the studio alone. I walked downstairs and discovered that a van was already waiting for me.

My bodyguard Tony came out of the van and gave me a hug.

“I thought you had the week off?” I asked as I hugged him.

“I did, but Johnny told me what happened yesterday, so I decided to come out here and protect you,” he said.

“From whom? The big, bad wolf?” I asked jokingly.

“Basically,” he teased as we got into the van.

“Do you know where JC is?”

“Yeah, Johnny told him to go there alone so the fans don’t start to think things,” he said.

“Oh,” I said with a smile.

The ride there was a silent one. “Britney, there is something I need to tell you,” Tony said before I got out.


“Sometimes people do things that they don’t mean to do, but they have to,” he began.

“What do you mean?”

Before he could finish telling me, he was interrupted by Johnny yelling, “Britney! Get over here. You’re late!”

“I’m sorry,” I said as I got out of the van.

“Get in there. We’ve been waiting for you for almost an hour!”

“Well why didn’t you call me?” I asked as he ushered me into the studio.

“You’re a big girl, you can wake up on your own,” he said with a hint of sarcasm.

“What?” I asked, confused.

“Never mind, go record,” he said as he pushed me into the recording booth and took a seat next to JC.

I looked over at JC and he wouldn’t make eye contact with me.

He leaned over and said in a loud, annoyed voice, “Are you ready yet?”

“Almost,” I said as I fumbled with the headphones.

I was warming up my voice when JC said, “You don’t have to warm up your voice.”

“Yeah I do,” I said.

“Whatever,” he said and began talking to Johnny.

“I’m ready I announced a few minutes later.

“Good,” he said and started the music to my headphones.

“Oops I did it again,” I began.

“No, it’s not right. Try it again,” JC said as he rewound the music.

I rolled my eyes and began again, “Oops I did it again.”

“Nope,” he said and rewound the music.

“Oops I did it again. I made you believe, we’re more than just friends.”

“A little lower on more,” JC said.

“More than just friends,” I practiced into the microphone.

“A tad bit lower.”

“We’re more than just friends,” I sung.

“Perfect,” he said and began the tape again.

“We’re more than just friends. Oh baby, it might seem like a crush, but it doesn’t mean that I’m serious.”

I looked over at JC as I sung and he didn’t look like he was paying any attention to me at all, “’Cause to lose all my senses, that is just so typically me. Oh baby, baby.”

“Try it again,” he said.

“’Cause to lose all my senses, that is just so typically me. Oh baby, baby. Oops!…I did it again. I played with your heart.”

“Try the chorus again,” he said.

“Oops!…I did it again. I played with your heart.”

“No,” he said coldly,” that’s not right.”

I tried it some more times and about the twentieth time, I got it.

“Finally,” he said, “Try it like that, once more and continue.”

“Oops!…I did it again. I played with your heart, got lost in the game. Oh baby, baby. Oops!…You think I’m in love. That I’m sent from above. I’m not that innocent.”

“From the second Oops, do it again,” he said.

“Oops!…You think I’m in love. That I’m sent.”

“Try it again,” he said jaded.


“Add more oomph into Oops,” he said.

“Oops,” I said dully into the microphone.

“Yeah Britney,” he said sarcastically, ”just like that.”

“Hush,” I said.

“Make me,” he said.

“Lets take a break,” Johnny said to JC and motioned for me to come out.

Chapter Seven
Chapter Five