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The Bath

Amanda Fatone stormed into the house slamming the door behind her.
"Hi honey. How was work," asked her husband Joey.
"HUMPH," she snorted as she marched through the kitchen, past him.
She was so angry that she didn't even realize that he had turned away from the dinner he was making and was standing there with his eyes closed and lips puckered, awaiting her kiss. When he heard her stomping up the stairs, he opened his eyes, sighed and turned back to the stove.

"Another bad day," he muttered as he stirred the pasta. "I guess I'll just have to fix that then won't I?" A sly smile slowly spread itself across his fuzzy face and a mischievous gleam leapt into his golden brown eyes. When Amanda got to their bedroom, she yanked off her clothes, save her underwear, fell into bed and passed out.

An hour and a half later Joey finally went upstairs to check on her. Knowing she would be asleep for another thirty minutes (I always sleep exactly 2hrs when I take naps), he decided to get the bed and bathrooms ready for their liaison. He set out the scented candles and put her favorite love songs on the cd player. After having filled the tub, he went over to the bed and sat on the edge waiting for her to awaken.

Moonlight from the window spilled into the room casting a soft glow on her angelic features. Her long, blonde hair was spread out across the pillow like a halo of spun gold. Joey reached out and gently caressed her face. He lightly traced a finger around her lips then bent down and kissed her ever so gently. Amanda opened her eyes and smiled up at the beautiful man sitting beside her.

"I ran a bath for ya," he said smiling back at her.
"Mmm, thanks."
"Do you want me to help you bathe," he asked, trying to look innocent. Unfortunately, the gleam in his eyes betrayed him. Amanda couldn't keep from smiling.
"Yeah I'd like that."
Joey pulled back the covers, picked her up, and carried her into the bathroom. He set her down and proceeded to pull his shirt out of his waistband but Amanda stopped him.

"Here, let me," she whispered. She pulled it off and threw it aside. She ran her hands over his well muscled body. Joey closed his eyes and sighed happily. He loved when she did that. She gently raked her nails across his nipples and they hardened in response. Amanda leaned in and traced her tongue around each one. Joey whimpered in delight and wrapped his arms around her. She kissed her way up his chest to his neck, then drew her tongue up to his earlobe. She sucked on it a minute before pulling him in for a passionate kiss.

As they explored each others mouths, Joey unhooked her bra and dropped it on the floor. While he stroked the silken skin of her back, she undid his shorts and pushed them and his boxers off his hips. He did the same with her panties. Before things started getting out of hand, they broke the kiss and got into the tub. Amanda sat in front and leaned up against him. "Joey?"
"Would you sing to me?"
He thought for a minute then began singing, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

To really love a woman
To understand her
Ya gotta know her deep inside

Hear every thought
See every dream
And give her wings
When she wants to fly

Then when you find yourself
Lyin helpless in her arms
You know you really love a woman

When you love a woman
You tell her that she's really wanted
When you love a woman
You tell her that she's the one

Cause she needs somebody
To tell her that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
Really really ever loved a woman

To really love a woman
Let her hold ya
Till you know how
She needs to be touched

You gotta breathe her
Really taste her
Till you can feel her
In your blood

When you can see
Your unborn children
In her eyes
You know you really love a woman

When you love a woman
You tell her that
She's really wanted
When you love a woman
You tell her that
She's the one

Cause she needs somebody
To tell her that you'll always be together
So tell me have you ever really
Really really ever loved a woman

You got to give her some faith
Hold her tight
A little tenderness
You gotta treat her right

She will be there for you
Takin good care of you
You really gotta love your woman

And when you find yourself
Lyin helpless in her arms
You know you really love a woman

When you love a woman
You tell her that
She's really wanted

When you love a woman
You tell her that
She's the one

Cause she needs somebody
To tell her that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
Really really ever loved a woman

Just tell me have you ever really
Really really ever loved a woman

Oh, just tell me have you ever really
Really really ever loved a woman

"To Really Love a Woman"
by Bryan Adams

Joey finished the song and Amanda sighed. "God you have a beautiful voice."
"Glad you like it."
Amanda looked up at him. "Can I wash you?"
"By all means," he replied, grinning wickedly. He slid around so that he was in front. Amanda picked up the wash cloth and soap and started washing his back. She washed his muscular arms, hands, and each finger with care. She rinsed him off, then pulled him back against her and washed his beautiful face. She saved his big Italian nose for last.

"Know what."
"I love your nose." He opened one eye and looked at her.
"Is that all you love about me?"
"No. I love this scar too." She traced her finger across the scar over his right eye, taking care not to get soap in it. "What else?"
"Ohhh, everything."
"Such as?"
"You want specifics?"
"Well, when you smile the light in your eyes puts the morning sun to shame." Joey blushed at her sweet words.

"I like your teeth too."
"You have the straightest teeth I've ever seen."
"Uhh, okay. Whatever you say cupcake."
"I love your neck too," she said as she washed it and his shoulders.
"My neck huh?"
"Yeah, it's smooth and strong. Sexy actually." Joey snickered and shook his head. He cocked an eyebrow and in his best superhero voice said, "I am Sexy Neck Man! Mild mannered pop star by night, Sexy Neck Man by day!" Amanda cracked up.

"What a dork," she laughed.
"And that's why you married me," he said rubbing noses with her, giving her an Eskimo kiss.
"Sure it is," she drawled, washing his broad chest and flat tummy. When she washed his belly button, he giggled. "That tickles?"
"A little," he replied with a sheepish grin. Amanda stuck her finger in and tickled him a little more. Again he giggled. She dropped the wash cloth and launched an all out attack. Joey burst out laughing and immediately retaliated. Amanda shrieked. This went on until Joey slid under the water to get her to stop. She had to. She didn't wanna drown him by making him laugh.

Instead, she picked up the wash cloth and one of Joey's legs and washed it quickly, as he was still underwater. She picked up the other one and washed it too. When she put it down, he sat up and gasped for air. Amanda took one look at him and started laughing again. Joey had bubbles all over his head and face.

"What's so funny?"
" Claus!" He splashed water over himself, then grabbed the wash cloth from her.
"My turn," he demanded.
"But I'm not finished."
"Tough." He began washing her rather quickly.
"Why are you going so fast? Slow down."
"Sorry. Just starting to get a little anxious I guess."
"Well take your time, there's no need to rush. Besides, we have all night."
"I know but the water's starting to get cold. Now, up on your knees."

Joey had saved his favorite parts for last. He got on his knees, wrapped an arm around her waist and washed her chest. Amanda closed her eyes and smiled. He washed each of her breasts gently. He washed lower to her tummy and on down to the tops of her thighs. She stopped him just before he reached her feminine junction and took the cloth away from him. "Hang on a sec."
"Why, what's wrong?"
"Nothin," she replied with a smile.

She grabbed the back of his head and shoved her tongue into his mouth. While kissed him, she reached down to wash his manhood. A low groan escaped his lips as she stroked the cloth up and down his length, hardening him. With only an ounce of sanity left, Joey pulled away from her and took a deep breath to clear his head. He removed her hand from his ever growing shaft and took back the wash cloth to finish what he had started. The instant he touched her feminine core, a heat wave washed over her. Her breath caught in her throat and goose bumps rose up along her heated flesh.

Amanda closed her eyes and leaned against the basin of the tub while Joey's fingers tickled her wet area. His index and middle finger plunged into her and she opened her legs wider, showing signs of pleasure and approval. He leaned forward and pressed his forehead against hers, feeling her small breaths on his cheek. She opened her eyes slightly, then licked her lips. "Another one," she stated.
Her eyes traveled down to Joey's fingers, then met his eyes again.
"Another one." she repeated and he indulged.

He slipped another finger into her and she cried out in ecstasy. She grasped the sides of the tub and lifted her lower body into the air. Her pelvis met his face and he kissed her inner thighs, his fingers still inside. Joey settled his hand on her ass to keep her from lowering her hips when she got tired. His tongue fluttered over her clit, his hand squeezing her ass. Amanda's arms wobbled as she continued to brace herself in the air. He plunged inside of her and her neck arched, their bodies moved when his fingers did, causing water to splash out of the tub.

Orgasmic waves swept over her, coursing through her veins like ripples in a pond. Joey removed his fingers and Amanda sank slowly back into the tub. Joey laughed as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Baths aren't supposed to make you sweat."

"That rule doesn't apply to us," she snickered, gently pushing Joey back against the walls of the tub. Joey could see her lips trembling as she straddled his hips.
"You're cold." he stated. He gripped her waist and squeezed her playfully.
"Not for long, baby..." she replied, taking him inside of her. She wiggled slightly, adjusting themselves inside the big, but still cramped tub. Amanda placed her hands on the wall and rested her weight in her arms. She moved her body slowly and seductively, driving Joey crazy as she slid up and down his shaft. He moved his hands down to her ass and clasped it tightly. She moved faster, moving up further when he guided her. His hands couldn't stay in one place, he kept one on her backside and relocated the other to her breast.

"God, you're so beautiful," he whispered. Amanda didn't respond. She moved faster and and took him in deeper, her way of thanking him for the compliment. She loved him, more than anyone could imagine. She loved the way he treated her like a queen, he listened to her, he made her smile, he made her happy, he pleasured her. And she focused on making him feel as good as he did her. She grabbed his shoulders and resting her weight in her arms; she rammed him into her forcefully and tightened her inner walls around him to show him her love. He still guided her with his hand, making her move up farther and come down faster.

"I love you," he panted. Each comment made her work harder. She closed her lips tightly, letting out muffled groans as he thrust into her. She bent down and kissed his chest, still shifting. Amanda felt the muscles in Joey's shoulders tighten and she slammed her body forward once more, driving them both over the edge. The sound of their passion filled cries echoed throughout the large bathroom. He filled her, both physically and mentally. She rested her head on his chest, the beat of his heart even louder than the ringing in her ears.
"I love you too, Joey," she sighed.
"I love you too."

You can e-mail Amanda (the author of this story) at and you can e-mail Davina (the author of the sex scene) at

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