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well i messed up on typing, i was doing it soooooooo fast.. but i know people are probably going to say the same thign about lance... now i just read the story... nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it's over!!!!!!!!!!! awwwww.... DAMN CHRIS!!!!! I hate him now!! lol! well i'm thinking that November Rain is a good title... writes:

Awwww no happy end =( But it's all his fault, lol. He only took advantage of her. I'm really looking forward to the sequel. =) And concerning the title, I would choose # 1. writes:

I think that you should definitely make a sequel and I like the second choice, November Rain the best. Keep up the PHENOMENAL writing and send out the next sequel soon, please. writes:

Hi Megan, First of all, this was an excellent story, probably the best one I've read on any list. I am trying to decide whether I liked the ending or not, but I'm relieved there's a sequel at least, *L*. As for the title of the sequel, I have to go for "November Rain". I just think that title would be appropriate for the sequel, but that's just my opinion. Anyways, you don't have to reply to this e-mail, one last thing, I am really looking forward to the sequel *grins*! writes:

that story was so awesome!!!. i found myself hating chris at the end lol. you should write a sequel. i gotta go, its late. byeeeee! writes:

Hey, i just got done reading Once Upon a December and all I can say is: 'HURRY UP WITH THE SEQUEL!!' That's always been my fav story on your site and now I want to read more! writes:

Hey- It's me Mary Beth, from over at Pretty Damn Spiffy. You may remember me....
Anyways I just got finished reading your 4th chapter of November Rain, it was amazing! This story is great, I honestly never expected some of the things that happened when they did. All of your stories are some of the best I've read and you have a MAJOR talent at writing. Most stories I see on the net are usually some teenybopper writing that bores me completely from the beginning, you know the 5 girls meet 5 guys and then they go get married? Sorry, thats just something that annoys me... But yours didn't at at all! I've been intrested in it from the beginning and I'm dying to know what happens next. Your story separates you from the rest and I'm glad for that. Keep it all up, I'm behind you all the way!:) Anyways, on your main page you said that you would send e-mails of the chapters of the story. I would love to recieve them!Thanks!
Well, I have to go!
Mary Beth

P.S. A little while ago, I saw that you linked us on your page, just wanted to say thanks for that, and you're of course on ours too! writes:

OH MY GOD!!!!! 'Once Upon A December' was positively the best Nsync fanfic story I have read in my life. (Well, i'm only 14, but still... I've seen a lot so far :) You should seriously consider getting that published... not that you would use the real peoples' names or anything, since I don't think Chris and the others would like being portrayed as self-centered bastards (although who knows if some of that is the truth...), but still.. you know what i mean. Okeydokey well, cya girl! c'est la vie, Cj writes:

I loved Once Upon A December....I couldn't stop readign it. I read it all in one night. I can't wait for November rain to be finished...its great so far. And I was wonderign if you were from PA because you know everything to a "T". Its a great story because all the place you tlak about them going to (or most of them) are really in Pittsburgh. Great Story keep up the good're very talented! writes:

Hey! I'm guessing you're the author of "Once Upon A December" since your e-mail was on the
I just got done reading it and omg it was a GREAT story...although I must admit that I am thoroughly pissed at chris's my favorite how i dispise him! i don't know how many times throughout the story i sat there and cried, then was like 'awwwww', then threatened to punch a whole in my monitor, then smile, then cry again, then curse, then laugh, then cry...and now i'm just in a pissy mood...LOL! i have to say fantastic job, cuz this is the first story i have ever read that made me feel all those emotions! I think that that just proves how damn good this story is! I loved it! It has to be one of my favorite stories, and I only have like three! Wow...I dunno what else to say, but DAYUM that was good! hahah! You're a great author! And I just realized that i just spent almost six hours sitting here reading it...hahaha...whoa...well, talk to you sooN!!!! ~*Amy*~ writes:

Hey! I just got done reading once upon a december, and it's sequel thus far! may I say WOW!!!! It's a really great story! WOW!!! I can't wait till you finish the rest of the sequel!!!!


**If you'd wish to see one of your comments up here, e-mail me and tell me what you think of Once Upon A December**