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Chapter One

~Set in summer of '98~

Lights...Everywhere. Cold, snowing. I was walking through a winter festival with a boy. I can't see his face, he has dark hair. Suddenly we're on ice, we're skating. I'm having fun. Everything’s now dizzy. Cold and scared, I'm in the water, I hit my head against the ice...

"Oh my god' I thought as I arose from my dream. I glanced at the clock, it was only 8:05, so I got up and walked into the kitchen. My 18-year-old sister, Michelle, was sitting in there eating some cereal.

"Good morning Jen," Michelle said.

"Hi," I replied, "I had that dream again."

'Not again,' Michelle thought, "Do you remember anything else?"

"No, it's the same thing, I still didn't see his face," I said while pouring myself a bowl of cereal.

"Well, I have to go and get a shower," Michelle said and walked out of the room and into the bathroom.

~In the bathroom~

'I wish I could tell her about her past, but the damn doctor said no. The only way she can remember is on her own. If only Chris would have stayed, she could have remembered,' Michelle thought as she turned on the shower and jumped in.

~Back in the kitchen~

I grabbed my bowl of cereal and sat down in front of the TV. I turned it on and MTV was already on. I watched a few videos and then Hanson's "Weird" came on. I know, I'm 26 but this is a cute video.

Just then, my sister walked in and said, "God Jen, your 26 and your watching Hanson, they're like almost half your age!" Michelle exclaimed.

"I like the video, they're cute, so what," I said. She sat down and watched the rest of the video with me.

The next video was a new one. It was by a group called 'N SYNC and the song was called "I Want You Back". "Oh, I heard about them. They are so cute. Amy told me that they live in Orlando and that the two lead singers were on the Mickey Mouse Club," Michelle said.

"They look like the NKOTB," I said.

"Shh, and no they don't," Michelle said.

"Whatever," I said. I have to admit, I really like the video, but they're probably all younger than me anyway.

"Aren't they cute?" Michelle asked.

"Yeah, but too young for me," I replied.

"Well, the one with dreads is your age. I must also note is from around here and is way hot," Michelle said smiling.

"I have to get ready for work, have fun today," I said getting up and walking into my room.

20 minutes later, I was ready and waling out the door. "Bye Michelle," I said then I shut the door. I quickly got into my car and headed to where my job was. I'm a secretary at my uncle's firm. The only reason I got this job was because my uncle owned it. It's a small place. They usually do divorces or suing. Nothing big happens here. My thoughts then drifted to this past year, as I pulled into the parking lot of my uncle's firm. I walked in right on time.

Chapter Two