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Chapter Thirteen

Okay, This chapter is now set on June 26, 1999. This is from Jen's point of view and will remain in Jen's point of view.


"Hey Jen," Michelle called from her room.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Are you sure you don't want to come over Mom's with me?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said, annoyed because she's been asking me all morning.

"Fine," Michelle said as she walked out of her room. "Well, I'm going to leave now. I'll see ya later," she said and walked out of the apartment.

Michelle walked down the stairs and walked out to her car. She unlocked it and got in. She put her car into drive and drove off. She turned on her radio and I Drive Myself Crazy was on. 'Yeah, I'm going to see their sexy bodies in person,' she thought as she turned up the volume.

Half an hour later she arrived at her mother's house. She parked her car and got out. When she walked into the house, the aroma of turkey surrounded her. "Mmm...Mom, that smells so good," she said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Thanks sweetheart," Mom said.

"So how have you been Mom?" she asked.

"Good Michelle. Although I can't say the same for your father," Mom said sadly.

"What's wrong now?" she asked, concerned for her dad.

"His heart," Mom said.

"Aww..... Is he here?" she asked.

"Yeah, but he's sleeping. You can see him at dinner," Mom said, "I moved your stuff into Jen's old room because your father is in your room now. He has to stay in bed, so we moved him in there."

"Oh," was all she could say.

"Honey, will you do me a favor?" Mom asked.

"Sure," she said.

"Will you go through your stuff and take some of it because we're running out of room," Mom said.

"Okay, I'll go up and start now," she said and left the kitchen.

Memories hit Michelle as she walked up the stairs. She would glance at pictures and remember when they were taken. She finally reached Jen's room and walked inside. Jen's boxes were on one side and Michelle's were on the other side. She sat down in front of her boxes and began to go through them.

Forty minutes later, Michelle had sorted through all of her stuff and had them into 3 large boxes full of her stuff she was taking home with her.

As she was pushing one of the boxes to the door, a bock caught her eye. A year book to be exact. She stopped what she was doing and walked over to the box.

She opened it up a little more and pulled out the book. After she wiped the dust off, she discovered it was Jen's year book from 1990. That was when she was in 11th grade.

Michelle sat down on the floor and began to look at it. It had notes in it from Jen's friends and Michelle became curious to find out if Chris from 'N SYNC had gone to school with her because he was from this area. When she made it to the K's, she had a startling discovery....

Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Twelve