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Chapter Twenty Two

I took a long shower after I hung up with Chris. The water felt so good on my body. I soon got out and walked into my bedroom. I decided on wearing black pants and a dark purple baby tee that wasn't showing too much belly, though it did show my tattoo. It was a shamrock that I got when I was sixteen. I laughed silently to myself when I thought of the memory and I laughed at the thought of me having a memory. I probably still wouldn't remember this tiny little memory if I hadn't been there and he hadn't been there. 'I wonder he remembers it? He was there when I got it,' I thought to myself.

"Chris, will you hold my hand?" I asked as I sat down in one of the chairs in the tattoo parlor. "Sure," He said and held my hand. The man who was going to do my tattoo walked in and said, "Do you want this tattoo?" He showed me the picture and I said, "Yeah." "Okay," the man said and set the drawing on my belly. He applied some liquid on it and pressed down on it. He then lifted it up and there was an outline of the shamrock on my belly. "You ready?" the man asked. "Yeah," I said. He then started on the outline of the tattoo. I griped Chris's hand and held it tight, the pain was unbearable.

I smiled at the thought of that. My mom refused to let me get one, but my dad signed the papers so I could get one. My mom had a fit when she found out, she went ballistic. I began to brush my hair and I looked into the mirror. I remember what I looked like back then. I look totally different now. I look a lot better in a way. I have bags under my eyes from stress which can be covered up with concealer. I have a bigger chest thank god. I was pretty much almost flat in high school and I got teased constantly for it. My hair was just below my shoulders than, and now it's almost hitting my butt. I looked at the click and it was 12:30. I quickly got dressed and blow dried my hair. I turned around to get my curling iron and Michelle was standing in the doorway. "Hi. You feeling any better?" I asked. "Not really. You going to see him again?" she asked. "Yeah," I said smiling. "Remember he has a girlfriend," she said and walked away. I watched her walk away and then I grabbed the curling iron.

Forty-five minutes later I was done with my hair. I had ironed it straight. I quickly threw on some makeup and I was satisfied with my appearance. I grabbed my purse and walked into the living room. "Michelle, you know what," I said, "I think you should go out today, look what I have." I then pulled out two passes to one of those spa and make over place, "Have fun." "But Jen, these are your," she said. "Yeah, so? You deserve them more," I said smiling. "Thank you," she said and then hugged me. "Your welcome. I'm going to leave now," I said and headed for the door. "Wait," she called. "Yeah," I said. "Here, take my cell phone," she said and handed it to me, "incase something happens, you know how clumsy you can be." I laughed at her antics, "Thanks." "What time should I expect you home?" she asked. "I have no idea," I said. "Okay," she said and practically shoved me out the door.

I arrived at the amphitheater around four and I picked up my car phone. I carefully dialed the Chris's number I scribbled onto a piece of paper. "Hello," Chris said after two rings. "Hi, this is Jen," I said incase he didn't recognized my voice. "Oh hey, I knew it was you," he said. "Well, I'm here," I said. "Where exactly," she said. "In the parking lot," I said. "Okay, go up to gate F and go up to the bodyguard stationed there. Tell him your name and they'll let you in. What color shirt are you wearing?" he asked. "Purple, why?" I asked. "So I can tell the bodyguard to keep an eye out for you," he answered. "I feel special," I said laughing. "Well you are," he said. "Thank you, I've never been told that before," I said. "I have to go, but I'll see you soon," he said," bye." "Bye," I said and hung up the phone. I then grabbed my purse and got out.

I walked up to gate F and saw a lot of teenage girls trying to get in. I walked up to one of the bodyguards and said, "My name is on the list." "Oh really," he said, "what's your name?" "Jen Shaw," I said. He scanned the list then said, "Okay, you can go in." He let me in, handed me a pass, and said, "They're in the dressing room. It's down the hall." "Thanks," I said. I found the room fifteen minutes later and knocked on the door. Chris opened the door and said, "Hi." "Hello," I said as he opened the door more so I could get in. I walked in and Dani, Lance, and Joey were sitting in there. "Hey honey," Joey said and laughed. I also laughed at his antics. "Hi, I'm Lance," Lance said. "Hi, I'm Jen," I said. "Hello again," Dani said nicely. "Hi," I said. "Would you like to sit down," she asked and pointed to the chair next to her. "Okay," I said and sat down. "Get your sorry asses in motion, it's time for sound check," JC said as he stood in the doorway. He looked over at Jen and did a double take, "Hello, I'm JC." "Hi, I'm Jen," I said. "Yea, time for sound check," Joey said and dragged the guys out of the room.

"I'm sorry about yesterday," Dani said. "You don't have to be sorry about anything," I said. "Yes I do. I was being a bitch, so lets start over. Hi, I'm Dani," she said. "I'm Jen," I said. "You know, I really am sorry about yesterday. I mean, what would you do if your boyfriend was in a room with two pretty girls. You'd get suspicious too," she said. "Yeah I would, especially since so many girls want to have his baby," I said. "You know what I think, I think you and JC would make a cute couple," she said smiling. "Yeah, well," I said, not really wanting a relationship right now. "You don't have a boyfriend, do you?" she asked. "Well, um... Yeah," I said, even though I really don't. "What's his name?" she asked. "Scott," I said as the name popped into my head. "What does he look like?" she asked. "Brown hair, brown eyes, and he's sort of taller than me," I said unconsciously describing Chris. "He sounds cute, how old is he?" she asked. "Same age as me, 27," I said. "You know what we should do," she said. "No, what?" I asked. "Double date," she said excitedly. "What, no. He doesn't like that," I said. "So, we still should," she said. "Okay," I said.

Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty One