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Chapter Twenty Seven

When we arrived at my apartment, it was 1am. "What time do we have to leave tomorrow?" I asked.

"I guess around nine," he said.

"What time do you want me to wake you up?" I asked.

"Eight," he said.

"If you want to go get a shower, the towels are in the closet in the bathroom," I said.

"Do you want to get one?" he asked.

"Nah, I'm going to get one tomorrow morning," I said.

"Okay, then I think I'm going to get one," he said and walked into the bathroom.

I walked over to the linen closet and pulled out some blankets and pillows. I laid them out on the couch for Chris and then I walked into my room. I changed out of my drenched clothes and put on a sweatshirt and shorts. I pulled my hair back and walked into the kitchen. I got some water and I drank it.

Fifteen minutes later Chris walked out of the bathroom wearing only boxers. "I put pillows and blankets on the couch," I said.

"Oh thanks," he said and smiled at me.

I walked over to him and said, "Goodnight."

"Night," he said and kissed me on my lips.

I smiled softly and walked back into my room. I set my alarm clock for seven and then I lay down on my bed. As soon as I closed my eyes, I feel asleep.

"Beep, beep, beep" rang my alarm clock. "Ugh," I mumbled as I turned off the alarm. I lay there for a few minutes, and then I got up out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the water and got in.

When I got down, I walked out of the bathroom and heard laughter coming from the living room. "Michelle and Chris must be up," I said to myself and walked into my room. I got changed into jeans and a long sleeve v-neck shirt. I pulled my wet hair into a pony tail left my room. I walked into the living room and sat down.

Chris and Michelle were playing a racing game on playstation and Chris was winning. He tossed his remote down and threw his hands up in victory, "I won."

"Not fair, you cheated," Michelle replied stubbornly.

"Hey Jen," Chris said.

"Hi, how did you sleep?" I asked.

"Good," he said and stood up, "I'm going to go and get dressed."

"Okay," I said as he pulled some clothes out of his suitcase and walked into the bathroom.

"So, are you two going out?" Michelle asked inquisitively.

"I'm not sure," I said slowly, I haven't really given the subject much thought.

"How are you not sure?" she asked.

"Well, I guess we aren't. He's never asked me and he just dumped his girlfriend," I said.

"By the looks of it last night, you two seem pretty close," she said.

"I know," I said smiling.

"Are you going to tell Momma?" she asked.

"I don't know, should I?" I asked.

"That's up to you," she said and turned off the playstation.

I stood up and walked into my room. I put my hair down and ran a brush through it. Chris walked into my room and sat on the bed. "I'm ready," he announced.

"Well, I'm almost ready," I said and looked at him through the mirror.

"You know, my family is going to be up there," he said.

"I haven't seen any of them in ages," I said and turned around to face him.

"My grandma Doris is very anxious to see you," he said smiling.

"So am I," I said.

"Do you want to spend the night over there?" he asked.

"Would your grandparents mind?" I asked.

"No, it was their idea," he said.

"Okay, just let me pack, then we can leave," I said.

"Sure," he said and watched as I got my things packed.

Five minutes later, I was done packing and we were outside putting our things into my car. "Here," I said and handed him my car keys, "you drive."

"Okay," he said and we got into the car. He put it into drive and pulled out of the parking lot. We were soon on the highway and two hours later, we arrived in Clarion.

We drove down several streets and then pulled into his grandparents’ driveway. We got out and walked up to porch.

He rang the doorbell and Chris’s grandmother, Doris, slowly opened the door. "Chris!" she yelled excitedly and pulled him into a hug. When she let go of him, she looked over at me. "Jen!" she yelled and also pulled me into a hug, "it's been so long. Look at you, you've grown so much!"

"It's really good to see you too. I've missed you so much," I said smiling.

She released me and walked into the house with Chris and I following her. "Art, they're here," she called into the living room.

Art, Chris's grandfather, soon appeared and greeted us. "So, are you ready for the parade?" Doris asked Chris.

"Yeah," he said happily.

"You have to be there soon. Jen, meet us on Walnut Street, that's where the parade ends when we get there," she said as she grabbed her purse.

"Okay," I said.

"Too bad you can't come into the car," Chris said.

"I know, but I get to be in the crowd. I get to hear all the girls talk about you," I said smiling.

"Oh really," he said.

"Yeah," I said as we walked out the door.

Half an hour later, the parade started and I had a pretty good view. They bought me a chair and they had gotten one for Dani, but I gave it to one of the parents in the crowd. I could hear the screaming from down the street.

Without even looking up, I knew Chris was going to be here soon. I looked over to my left and I could see Chris coming.

His car was surrounded by a lot of bodyguards dressed in yellow. I laughed silently to myself at how many girls were here to see him. Pretty soon he was right in front of me and he made eye contact with me.

I smiled sweetly at him and he smiled back and waved. Doris and Art were in the car along with his other grandparents. He turned to the other side and waved to the fans across from me. I took that as my cue, so I got up and left.

I was walking down an empty street when I almost ran into someone. I looked up at him and I thought I knew him, but I couldn't place him. "Jen?" he asked.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Wow, you look great," he said, looking me up and down.

"Thanks, I think," I said, still having no clue who this person was.

"Remember me, Josh Anderson," he said smirking.

I groaned inwardly as realization hit me. "Yes," I said sharply.

Josh was your typical quarterback, Mr. Popularity. "So, you still putting out?" he asked.

"No," I said.

"Your here to see Chris, right?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said quickly.

"Oh," he said and came closer to me, "remember that night we shared? I'd like to have it again."

"No, you raped me," I said and tried to pull away but he held his arms around me.

"Incase you do, here's my number," he said and slipped a piece of paper into my pocket. He released his arms and I pushed past him. "Bye baby," he called to me as I ran down the street.

No one knew what happened that night. I was at a party and I walked outside. Josh came outside and pulled me into the shed.

First, it was flattering that he was actually talking to me, but then he started to say things and would touch me.

I tried to get away, but he forced himself onto me. I pulled that piece of paper out of my pocket and threw it away. That was some of my past I wished I didn't regain. Just then, a car pulled up to me and Chris hopped out. "Your late," he said.

"I'm sorry," I said as he pulled me into the car.

"It's okay," he said.

We drove back to Doris and Art's house and sat in the living room. Chris turned on the TV and we watched a movie. Toward the end of the movie, there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it," Chris said and answered the door.

"Hey Justin. Hi Maricar," Chris said.

My head shot up and looked at them as they walked into the room.

"Jen, this is Maricar. Maricar, this is Jen," Chris said.

"Hi," I said to her.

"Hello," she said.

"Hi Jen," Justin said.

I looked over at him in disgust. How could he even speak to me after what he did to my sister, my little sister? Chris elbowed me and said, "Be nice."

"Hello, Justin," I said and looked over at Maricar. I knew she was from the group Krazee from talking to Chris. She's very beautiful in person, no wonder he's going out with her. She has shoulder length, reddish brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and tan skin. She's actually pretty short, though.

I looked back at the TV and the credits were rolling. "So," Justin began, "where's Dani?"

"She's probably back in Orlando," Chris said.

"Why?" Maricar asked.

"We broke up," Chris said.

"Why?" Justin asked in annoyance.

"Because," Chris said and left the room. Justin looked at me, then followed Chris out of the room.

"Um," Maricar said and shifted uncomfortably. She sat down next to me and said, "You don't like Justin, do you?"

"I don't really know him," I said honestly.

"I know he can be little over whelming at times, but that's the way he is," she said and smiled to herself.

"Yeah," I said quietly.

"You did what!" Justin shouted from the next room.

I looked up and saw Justin in the doorway, just glaring at me. "What?" I asked.

He said nothing, just continued to glare at me, like he wished I weren't here. Chris walked into the room nervously and looked at Justin. He said something to Justin and walked over to me. "I want to show you something," he said and helped me to my feet.

As we were walking past Justin, he just started intensely, his eyes not leaving me. The look he was giving me sort of scared me.

We walked to a room upstairs and he sat at a desk. The room appeared to be a study, but with boxes scattered all over. He reached into a box and pulled out a photo album. He flipped through some of the pages and looked at me. I slowly walked toward him, peering at the album.

As I drew closer, I discovered it was pictures of us from high school. "Oh my," I said just above a whisper, "I haven't seen any of these for a long time."

There were pictures of us together at school and at home. There were also pictures of us at dances and clubs. He gently set the album down and took my hands in his. "Jen," he began, "it was so good to see you again. I honestly never thought I would, never in my wildest imagination. I still can't believe it."

He pulled me into a hug and we stayed like that for awhile. "Will you come down to Orlando with me for Thanksgiving?" he asked, "my mom really wants to see you."

"Yeah," I said and kissed him on the lips. The rest of the afternoon, we spent in that room looking at pictures and just talking.

Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Six