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Chapter Thirty

I woke up the next morning to my sister violently shaking me. "What? What's wrong?" I asked as she let go of me.

"It's Dad, he's in the hospital. Jon and Zac flew in from California. They're in the living room and are going to take us to the hospital," she said, then walked out of my room.

I looked at the clock. It read 8:11 am. I quickly changed into a tee shirt and jeans. I tossed my hair up into a ponytail and put on my shoes. I walked out of my room and into the living room.

My brothers, Jon and Zac, were standing in there. "Jon! Zac!" I called to them, then ran over to where they were standing. I gave then both hugs and said, "I've missed you guys so much!"

"We missed you too. You have to come out to California sometime," Jon said.

"I know," I said, "where are the kids?"

"They're at home with Mary and Kate. They have school and will hopefully be joining us soon," Zac said.

Michelle walked into the room and said, "Let's go."

The car ride there was silent and they rushed out of the car while I stayed back a little, wallowing in my own thoughts. How could I have been so shellfish? Here I am groveling about how bad my life is, while my dad is fighting for his life.

"Jen!" someone called out to me. I looked up and there was my mother. "My poor Jennifer Anne," she said and gave me a hug, "how have you been?"

One of the things I can't stand about my mother is the way she can instantly make you feel guilty for everything. The tone she used just infuriated me. "Good, how are you?" I asked.

"If you called more, you would know," she said. As I gave no response, she continued, "Did you have fun up in Clarion?" She moved back some so she could see me better.

"How did you know I was there?" I asked.

"Mrs. Stromberg called me and told me that she saw you up there. We tried to get a hold of you yesterday, but no hotel had a Jen Shaw in it. Who were you staying with?" she asked.

"Mom, I'm an adult now. It shouldn't matter who I stay with," I said, trying to make her understand that I can make my own descions.

"Who were you staying with?" she repeated.

"Is Dad okay? Can I go see him?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, he's in there," she said and pointed at a room.

"Thank you," I said and walked into the room.

My dad looked up as I walked in. "Hi Dad, how are you?" I asked and sat down in the chair next to the bed.

"Not so good," he said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I had another heart attack, Jennifer," he said.

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked quietly as a tear ran down my cheek.

"Honestly?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"I don't know," he said and patted my hand, "I'll always be here for you, though."

"I love you Daddy," I said and gave him a hug, "please don't go yet."

"I'll try my best angel," he said as a nurse walked into the room.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave Miss," she said.

"I looked up at her and said," Okay." I turned around and faced my dad; "I'll see you soon. I love you."

"I love you too Jennifer," he said. I slowly walked out of the room and sat down in a chair next to Michelle.

"You look like shit," she said.

"Thanks," I said sarcastically.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I'll tell you later," I said.

"Okay," she said.

We were at the hospital all day until we had to leave around nine because of visiting hours. When I arrived at my apartment, I immediately walked into my room and lay down.

A few minutes later, Michelle walked into my room and sat down. "Tell me what happened," she said.

"It's a long story," I said.

"So? I have all night," she said.

"Okay, well. We got up there and I was having fun until I ran into Josh," I began.

"Wait," Michelle interrupted, "who's Josh?"

"The guy who raped me," I said quietly.

"What! I didn't know you were raped," she said, "when did this happen?"

"Awhile ago," I said.

"Jen, tell me," she said.

"Fine. It was the summer after 11th grade. I was at a party and he raped me," I said.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"Don't be," I said.

"What happened when you ran into him?" she asked.

"He harassed me by saying that he would like another night with me," I said, "but he eventually left me alone and I meet up with Chris after he was done with the parade. We went back to his grandparent's house and then Justin and his girlfriend showed up. He caught Chris and I making out upstairs."

"He what?" she asked in disbelief.

"He was like, 'I see your skipping to desert," I said.

Michelle started to laugh and said, "Then what happened?"

"Chris and I were outside and he thought I was beautiful, then he took me to our tree," I said smiling.

"Aww..." Michelle cooed.

"Then the next morning, Justin was actually nice to me. Then Maricar and I went to the mall," I said.

"Who's Maricar?" Michelle asked.

"Justin's girlfriend," I said.

"Oh," she said.

"Well, I ran into Josh again and he was like, 'I could take you both.' I couldn't handle it, I ran to my car crying. Maricar and I went out to eat after I composed myself and I told her everything. When we went back, Justin and Chris were waiting for us outside and I guess Josh told them that I slept around and they believed him. I then gathered my stuff and Chris came upstairs. I assume Maricar told him what really happened because he apologized. Michelle, I told him that I loved him. He didn't say a word, not one!" I said.

"What a jerk! Maybe it would help him decide to finally ask you out," she said.

"Maybe," I said.

"Then what happened?" she asked.

"I came home," I said.

"Oh," she said.

"Actually, I really tired because I came home late last night," I said.

"I know, I heard you come in," she interrupted.

"So, is it okay if I go to bed?" I asked.

"Sure, you need it anyway. Night Jen," she said and stood up.

"Good night Michelle," I said as she walked out of the room, "and thank you for letting me vent."

She laughed some and said, "Your welcome."

Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Twenty Nine